Dear Sprague,

HELLO.  You are missed and loved.

From your Sprague family, to the hearts and homes of your loved ones, we share this heartfelt video reminding each that you are loved, deeply cared for, and thought of daily.  With love, please enjoy and view again, if already viewed.


Remote Learning 2.0

Again, your patience and communication during this closure have been appreciated and certainly recognized.  As a result of active and thoughtful planning and collaboration, WPS has unveiled its WPS Remote Learning 2.0.   Wellesley Public Schools Remote Learning Plan 2.0

This document outlines the WPS Guiding Principles/Objectives, Definition and Scope, and the specifics regarding learning hours, learning specifics (asynchronous/synchronous), and the ever important balance of online and offline.  Please note that we continue to encourage physical activity, exploration of new skills and ideas, and new opportunities, in general.

As a result of Dr. David Lussier’s email, dated April 6th, unveiling the Remote Learning 2.0, the plan has officially begun using a phased-in approach.  

Please note the following for this week, the week of April 6th:

  • Live Morning Meetings (MM) 2-3 times this week

  • The goals and objectives of the live MMs are to engage with students on a social/emotional level and continue regular school-based routines that these MMs afford

  • Please note that during these MMs, teachers may begin to preview instruction that will then later be introduced; however, the objective of the MM continues to be the social/emotional connection between teacher/student, student/teacher, student/student

  • Teachers may continue to assign identified activities from the WPS Remote Learning Site, if he/she deems appropriate

  • Asynchronous (online but not “live”) lessons in ELA, Science, Math, and Spanish as a launching point

  • Offline work consisting of independent reading, physical activity, and assignments from the asynchronous lessons stated above

  • Due to the Good Friday holiday, Friday, April 10th, there is no school

Please note the following from April 13th – May 1st:

As the phased-in roll out of Remote Learning 2.0 continues, the following will occur:

  • Teachers will be creating schedules to be shared with students/families allowing for planning and lead time for all

  • These schedules are currently being devised/planned and will be shared as soon as possible

  • Please note that we are actively working to be mindful of siblings, sharing of devices, staggering planned live meeting times, etc.


Grades K-2

Grades 3-5


Morning  Meetings

3 – 5  x per week → approximately 10-20 min

(“live” video sessions; scheduled by teacher)


Small Groups (phased-in approach)

At least 2 x per week → approximately 15-20 min 

(“live” video sessions; scheduled by teachers ) 


Student/Family Support

As needed/determined by the teacher

Daily – 35 min – 50 min 

(pre-recorded  lessons and/or online learning platforms)

Lessons will be developed by curriculum specialists and specialist teachers; classroom teachers review these lessons & organize them into a weekly schedule for students

Daily – 1 hr – 1.5 hrs 

(pre-recorded lessons and/or online learning platforms)

Lessons will be developed by curriculum specialists and specialist teachers; classroom teachers review these lessons & organize them into a weekly schedule for students


Daily -Self-Directed Work Time

25 – 30 min


Self-directed work time may be divided into smaller chunks and linked with one of the pre-recorded lessons (e.g. 15 min ELA lesson is linked with 10 min self-directed work time)


Daily – Physical Activity

25 – 30 min


Daily – Independent Reading

20 – 30 min 

Daily -Self-Directed Work Time

30 – 45  min


Self-directed work time may be divided into smaller chunks and linked with one of the pre-recorded lessons (e.g. 20 min ELA lesson is linked with 15 min self-directed work time)


Daily -Physical Activity

30 – 40 min


Daily -Independent Reading

30 – 40 min 

A note of great importance, please.  During a “regular” school experience, the styles, set expectations, routines, and structures can be, and in most cases are different, from that of a sibling or friend with another teacher.  This will continue to be the same during this remote environment. The thread that is always consistent during “regular” school, is the standards that are being taught.  This continues to be the case with the remote learning environment.  Teachers are providing asynchronous learning based on a set of identified standards per grade level.  Their phased-in small group instruction will be planned and designed based on the standards addressed through the lesson.  If you are experiencing a challenge that requires addressing, I encourage you to contact me and together it will be addressed.  Please communicate with teachers/staff regarding questions, of course. However, addressing teachers on perceived differences is not productive and prevents the teacher from planning and working directly with his/her students.

As we navigate these uncharted waters of remote learning, we are getting comfortable in the uncomfortable and working to best identify the educational needs of our students.  Challenges will arise, as is expected, and will be addressed. In the meantime, your support of this new process is invaluable.


  • April 10th           Good Friday      No School

  • April 20th           Patriots Day      No School

  • April Vacation is being discussed at tonight’s School Committee meeting with a decision pending

  • Please note that aside from April 20th as an identified holiday, the proposal is to continue instruction the week of April 20th, pending a School Committee decision


Reading Challenge

What do you think this week’s theme could possibly be?  I hope this book will give you a clue. Enjoy!

Reading Challenge April 7.2020


Thought of Dog:  some cuddles. would go a long way right now

With love,


Updates April 7.2020
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