Dear Hunnewell and Upham Parents​​​​​,

The Hunnewell 2nd graders have been an integral part of our Upham culture, bringing joy, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie to our school each day. These students have genuinely made Upham a brighter place, from their enthusiastic participation in assemblies to their laughter-filled moments on the playground. And now, it is time for us to say goodbye.

I want to thank the dedicated teachers of the Hunnewell 2nd grade, Ms. Murray and Mrs. Cannon, for their unwavering belief in their students. Their passion and dedication have undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping the experiences and successes of their students.

As we bid farewell to the Hunnewell 2nd graders, I invite you to join us next Friday, February 16, at 8:45 AM for our All School Assembly, where we will have the opportunity to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of our departing Hunnewell friends. Following the assembly, we will have a “Clap Out” at 2:55 PM to send off the Hunnewell 2nd graders with cheers and best wishes for their future endeavors.

Additionally, I want to inform you that the transition process for Upham students to Bates, Hardy, and Sprague will soon begin. Dr. Hoitash and I will be visiting classrooms after the break to discuss the transition with students, address any feelings or concerns they may have, and outline plans for visiting the particular schools in late May.

After the break, I will meet with each principal to develop detailed plans to address class lists, student placement, visiting schools, and allowing parents to visit the receiving schools.

If you have questions or comments about the Upham student transition, don’t hesitate to contact me, and I will schedule a meeting to discuss it.

Once again, thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can ensure a smooth transition for our students and continue to foster a nurturing and supportive environment for all.

Dare to Dream,

Mr. Dees


Friday, February 16- All School Assembly (Goodbye Hunnewell) at 8:45 am & Hunnewell Clap-Out at 2:55 pm

Monday, February 19 – Friday, February 23 – February Break, No School

Wednesday, March 6 – METCO Stay Day

Tuesday, March 26 – 5th Grade Parent Night at WMS

Friday, March 29 – No Schoo., Good Friday

Tuesday, April 2 – Early Release, Parent Conferences

Wednesday, April 3 – METCO Stay Day


Principal’s Message