Dear Upham Parents,

As we prepare for the upcoming academic year, I wanted to outline the process for assigning classrooms to Upham students moving to other schools for the 2024-2025 school year. We aim to ensure that each student is placed in an environment where they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Here is an overview of the process:

Recommendations by Classroom Teachers: Upham classroom teachers will recommend classroom assignments to Dr. Hoitash and Mr. Dees based on various factors, including academic performance, social dynamics, and individual needs.

Review and Discussion: Dr. Hoitash and Mr. Dees will carefully review the recommendations provided by the classroom teachers. They will then meet with each teacher to discuss these recommendations in detail, considering the best interests of each student and the overall classroom dynamics.

Special Recommendations and Accommodations: If you have specific recommendations for your child’s classroom assignment, such as requesting placement with a friend or special accommodations, please communicate these directly to the teacher. We will collect these requests and discuss them with Dr. Hoitash to ensure that every consideration is given to your child’s needs.

Communication with Receiving Principals: Any unique recommendations or accommodations will be communicated to the receiving principals to facilitate the smooth transition of students into their new classrooms.

Class List Availability: We anticipate the final class lists will be available in late August. Once finalized, these lists will be shared with all parents.

We understand that classroom placement is essential to your child’s educational experience, and we are committed to making this process as transparent and fair as possible. Our ultimate aim is to create a supportive learning environment where every student can thrive.

If you have any questions or concerns about the classroom assignment process, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s classroom teacher. We are here to support you and your child every step of the way.


Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education.

Dare to Dream,

Mr. Dees


MCAS Dates


March 26th

English Language Arts Session 1


March 28th

English Language Arts Session 2



Friday, March 15  – All School Assembly at 8:45 am, Parents Welcome

Tuesday, March 26 – 5th Grade Parent Night at WMS

Friday, March 29 – No School, Good Friday

Tuesday, April 2 – Early Release, Parent Conferences

Wednesday, April 3 – METCO Stay Day

Monday, April 15 – Friday, April 19 – April Break, No School

Thursday, June 6 – Save-the-Date: Upham Celebration – Afternoon Assembly + School Party on the Upper Fields. More info to come!

Principal’s Message