~Today is Tuesday, March 26, 2024, Day 4

~Block rotation: A, B, C, Advisory, D, E, F, G

~Lunch: 6, 7, 8

Ms. Connors’ Chorus 7 classes, Period 4, Block D and Period 7, Block G will meet in the Auditorium today.

Ms. Rivera’s Music 6 class, Period 7, Block G will meet in Room 400 today.

Attention Grade 8 Students: please remember to vote for your End of Year t-shirt design by Thursday, March 28th. There was a technical issue with the email that went out yesterday so please look out for an email later today. Also, for any students who have not added their t-shirt size to the Google form, this is the final week to choose a size, otherwise a size will be chosen for you.

The intramural fencing program begins today after school in Gym B. 

The DEI Student Council will be meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, March 27th after school from 2:30-3:30 in Mr. Goldman’s room, Room 101.

The first day of auditions for the spring play is today! It’s not too late to sign up. Be a part of this fun, non-musical production that is our last one of the year! Please Ms. Speed with questions and scan the QR code on the poster outside the drama room for more information.​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!

Daily Announcements
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