~Today is Thursday, March 28, 2024, Day 6

~Block rotation: C, A, B, Advisory, D, G, E, F

~Lunch: 6, 8, 7

Ms. Connors’ Chorus 7, Period 5, Block G class will meet in the Auditorium today.

Ms. Rivera’s Music 6, Period 5, Block G class will meet in Room 400 today.

Quiet lunch will meet in Room 208B today. 

METCO tutoring is canceled today after school. Therefore there will be no Boston late bus and all Boston students must leave on the transportation provided at 2:30 p.m. Tutoring will resume after April break on Thursday, April 25th.

Attention 8th grade students: please remember to vote for your End of Year t-shirt design no later than 2:30 p.m. this afternoon.

The WMS Track and Field team will hold an informational meeting for interested students in grades 6, 7, and 8 immediately after school next Tuesday, April 2nd in the cafeteria. Please see Mr. Faherty in Room 225 with any questions.

Lost and found is starting to pile up again. Please stop by the Main Office to check on any items you may have lost. Any leftover clothing may be donated over April break.

Are you curious about what some people in our WMS community will be celebrating this weekend?  Friday is the Christian observance of Good Friday, and Sunday is the Christian holiday of Easter. Good Friday commemorates the death of Jesus, and Easter commemorates the day that Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead (was resurrected). Good Friday, one of the holiest days for Christians, is a sorrowful holiday, which is spent in reflection. Easter is a day of joy and celebration. There are students at WMS who will be observing Good Friday and Easter this weekend.  We wish all people at WMS observing these holidays, a “thoughtful Good Friday,” and a “happy Easter”.  ​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!

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