Schofield School

Go Hawks

Dear Schofield Families,

This past week has weighed heavily on our hearts and minds.  Our focus has been on maintaining predictable routines while providing a safe and supportive environment for all students.  I have heard from a few families this week and always welcome communication if you have questions or concerns.  Ms. Robert, Ms. Berenson and our entire staff are available and ready to support students and families in any way we can.  

Parent/ Teacher Conferences:
This week our literacy specialists, math specialists and I met with each of our grade levels to review our fall benchmark data for literacy and math in order to create instructional plans based on the trends and more specific needs of our students. This data-based decision making is an important part of our MTSS (Multi-tiered system of support).  I ended this week feeling inspired by and grateful for our incredibly dedicated teachers.  
We look forward to sharing about your child’s strengths and areas for growth at our upcoming parent/teacher conferences later this month.  In case you missed it, this memo about our K-3 Early Literacy Screener was sent to K-3 families earlier this week.  

Upcoming PTO Community Events:

  • Join us for our annual fall Campus Clean-Up on Saturday morning between 9-12. I am planning to stop over and rake some leaves in between Vivian’s soccer games and hope to see you there!

  • The Halloween Dance is next week!  This free event will take place on the blacktop near the playground on Friday, October 20th from 4:30-6:00 PM.  Costumes are encouraged but not required and Deejay Abraham will make a guest appearance to get everyone dancing.  We can’t wait!

Have a great weekend!



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Weekly Newsletter 10.13.23
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