Schofield School

Go Hawks

Dear Schofield Community,

Happy New Year!  It was delightful to hear the student cheers on Tuesday afternoon when we announced that our student-selected spirit day today would be Pajama Day.  I believe staff were equally excited to dress in their coziest clothes to wrap up the week.

New Year, New Name!
Weekly Newsletter was starting to sound boring, so my weekly communication will now be called, The Schofield Scoop!  Please encourage our community to read the scoop each week.

5th Grade Leadership:
You may have noticed fifth graders helping welcome students near the carline this morning.  This is just one of several leadership opportunities for fifth graders.  Other jobs that students could apply for included reinforcing expectations at lunches, reading to younger students, and shelving library books.  Thank you to Mr. Moretti, Ms. Sullivan and Ms. Doyle for making these opportunities possible and to our fifth graders for all of their help!


Winter Weather:
As we gear up for the snow this weekend, I would like to take a moment to remind everyone about some of our winter weather practices, especially for families who are new to Schofield:

  • If the “Real Feel” temperature is below 20 degrees, we will have students line up indoors in the morning and have students participate in indoor recess if it doesn’t warm up enough during the day.

  • In the event of snow, we require students to have boots and snow pants to go on the field and/or the structure at recess so they do not have to spend the rest of the day soaking wet. 

  • If your child wears boots to school, it is helpful to send them with a pair of sneakers to change into so the classrooms remain dry throughout the day.

  • If you are in need of any winter weather gear for your child(ren), please reach out to Ms. Berenson, our school social worker, who can connect you with resources.  These conversations are completely confidential.  Ms. Berenson’s email address is

  • Lastly, please consult our district website for information about School Delay and Closure Procedures. 

I am hopeful the snow will not interfere with my busy weekend of basketball.  I recently volunteered to be the assistant coach for my twins’ (Josephine and Vivian, 10) town basketball team. Let’s hope the “Grimace Shakes” (the kids named our team) comes away with a W this weekend.  Wish us luck!


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