Dear Sprague Families, I hope you enjoyed our Open House this morning. I know I did! It was wonderful to see our proud students showing their parents their projects and our school. For those who couldn’t stay for the school… Continue reading All Night Long
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 15, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, We are looking forward to seeing parents at our Open House on Friday, March 18th. Parents can come any time between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Teachers and students will be in classrooms and your children will be… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 15, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 8, 2016
Dear Sprague Community—March 8, 2016 I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun we all had at the A-Catemy Awards assembly last Friday! Students cheered for the winning book titles in each category. Students and teachers dressed in… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 8, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 1, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, This month, parents will have the opportunity to meet with teachers in Parent/Teacher conferences. The dates are listed below. I know you all will take advantage of this time to have a conversation with your child’s teacher… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 1, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 23, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, February is almost over, but we do get an extra day this year with the leap year. It feels like a turning point in the year as we have passed both the 90-day mark and the 100th… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 23, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 9, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, As you know, when we have snow days, it affects our ending date in June. As of right now, our last day of school will be Tuesday, June 21st. We always have our 5th grade Farewell Assembly… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 9, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 2, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, The Pennsylvania groundhog, Punxatawney Phil, did not see his shadow! That means an early Spring. However, Mrs. G, the official Massachusetts groundhog at Drumlin Farm DID see her shadow and predicted a longer winter. I just don’t… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 2, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–January 26, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, It’s hard to believe that January is almost over already! 2016 is moving fast already! You should have received information about the Teacher raffle in your child’s backpack. Students can enter to win special time with a… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–January 26, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–January 19, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, It appears that the cold and snow have arrived! With that in mind, I’d like to remind you that whenever the red, white, and blue flag with stars is out front, students will wait indoors before school.… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–January 19, 2016
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–January 12, 2016
Dear Sprague Community, It is with sadness that I tell you that Jack Glorioso, one of our night custodians passed away on Sunday. Jack was a very kind soul, who worked at Sprague in the late afternoon and evenings. Many… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–January 12, 2016