Happy Holidays Upham and Hunnewell 1st Grade!

I recently had a wonderful and heart-warming discussion with one of our friends. It was such a wonderful experience. I thought I would share it with you and hopefully warm your heart and allow you to stop and reflect on the importance of your family and the reason for the season.

I have asked the students, “Do you have your Hanukkah/Christmas/Gift list filled out, and more importantly, what is first on your list?”

To give you some background, there are some severe health challenges connected to this particular student’s family.

I asked, “So, what is number one on your list?” Without hesitation, this unbelievably wonderful person retorted, “Mr. Dees, the number one thing on my Christmas list…is for my grandmother to get better.”

Nothing more to be said, and no need to add a thing.

My wish for you and your family? May you find time for peace, time for togetherness, and time for love.

Thank you for allowing me the unbelievable honor of influencing your children.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Dare to Dream,

Mr. Dees


Monday, December 26 – Monday, December 2 – December Break, No School

Tuesday, January 3 – School Reopens

Monday, January 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr Day, No School

Tuesday, January 17 – METCO Late Day

Wednesday, January 18 – Principal Coffee, 8:45 am

Friday, January 20 – Band Winter Concert, 8:45 am



Principal’s Message