~Today is Wednesday, May 24, 2023

~Day 2

Grade 8 students will be taking STE MCAS again this morning.  For grade 8 students only, periods will run 1,5,3,4,2,6,7.  Just a reminder that all students will be going to Advisory at the usual time – 11:06-11:21. 8th grade lunch will be at the normal time, 12:23-12:48.  A reminder to grade 6 & 7 students to please pass to classes as quietly as possible so as not to disturb students who are testing.

The Video Announcement Club will meet today after school in Room 221.  We are hoping all members can make it to this final meeting.

Just a reminder – the Panorama picture will be taken tomorrow after lunch for Grade 8 students.

We are looking for Grade 8 speakers and musicians for the Completion Assembly. Please see your English teacher if you are interested in submitting a speech. If you are interested in performing, please come to the Main Office and sign up for an audition time slot on June 1st or 2nd. Your audition needs to be a finalized performance. Please also check your email for a link to nominate a peer for a Grade 8 Completion Assembly Award.​​​​​​​

Have a good day everyone!


Daily Announcements