Schofield School

Go Hawks

Dear Schofield Families,

It is hard to believe it’s already November, or as we say here at Schofield, “DINOvember.”   During Dinovember, we find photo evidence of toy dinosaurs causing all sorts of trouble around Schofield.  The idea started with the book, What the Dinosaurs Did at School by Refe and Susan Tuma. Many students look forward to seeing what the dinos will do next and a few creative students have helped Mrs. Zimmer set up the dinosaurs’ shenanigans.  Be sure to ask your child about the dinosaurs!

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School Spirit
It was awesome to see so much Schofield spirit today.  Students arrived this morning with blue and yellow tutus, facepaint, hair accessories and hats.  Our next spirit day will be student led, thanks to Mr. Moretti’s class.

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Upcoming Spirit Day – Brought to you by the Students in 5M:
World Kindness Day is on Monday, November 13th. We invite all students to participate in our World Kindness Spirit Day at Schofield.  Each grade has been assigned a specific color to wear so that when we come together as a whole school on the 13th we can create a rainbow which is a symbol of inclusivity.  At Schofield students strive to be “STAR Students” by demonstrating SAFE, THOUGHTFUL, ACCEPTING and RESPECTFUL behavior.  On World Kindness Day we will continue to practice these core values. 

5th Grade: Red
4th Grade: Orange
3rd Grade: Yellow
2nd Grade: Green
1st Grade: Blue
Kindergarten: Purple

DIBELS Assessment
A few weeks ago, Sandy Trach, our Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning sent a K-3 Early Literacy Screener memo to all of our K-3 families.  I hope that you gained a better understanding of all this assessment tells us about your child and their reading at your parent/teacher conference. Our team is excited to be able to use this data to design targeted instruction that meets the needs of all of our learners.

It looks like a sunny weekend ahead.  I will be at the soccer fields and basketball courts all weekend cheering on my kids and my sister’s kids.  I hope you have a fantastic weekend.   



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