Schofield School

Go Hawks

Dear Schofield Families,

As we approach Veteran’s Day, I want to acknowledge and thank the brave people who have unselfishly served our country.  Today, Lt. Col. Bradley Ritland, father of Mallory and Brandon, visited their respective classes (2P and 4E) to share about his job as an active service member and the importance of Veteran’s Day.  Thank you to Lt. Col. Ritland and to all of the active service members and veterans in our Schofield and Wellesley community.

Spirit Day – Brought to you by the Students in 5M:
World Kindness Day is on Monday, November 13th. We invite all students to participate in our World Kindness Spirit Day at Schofield.  Each grade has been assigned a specific color to wear so that when we come together as a whole school on Monday, we can create a rainbow which is a symbol of inclusivity.  At Schofield we work to be STAR Students by being SAFE, THOUGHTFUL, ACCEPTING and RESPECTFUL and on World Kindness Day we will continue to practice these core values.

5th Grade:  RED
4th Grade: Orange
3rd Grade: Yellow
2nd Grade: Green
1st Grade: Blue
Kindergarten: Purple

My grandfather (96) is a World War II Veteran. He doesn’t leave his home without his U.S. Navy WWII hat (picture below with Vivian and Josephine).  Tomorrow I will be taking my kids to visit him in Hingham so that we can spend some time together, listen to his stories and make sure he knows how grateful we are for his service.  I hope you are able to spend the day in a meaningful way as well.

I hope you have a wonderful long weekend.



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