Schofield School

Go Hawks

Dear Schofield Families,

We had a busy week at Schofield that was kicked off by World Kindness Day on Monday!  Thanks to Mr. Moretti and his fifth grade class for planning and leading this whole-school spirit day.  We came together for an assembly and our students, dressed in their grade-level colors, created a beautiful rainbow.  Our fifth graders led the assembly with a read aloud of Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller.  Kindness Bingo Boards were distributed to each class and it has been awesome to see the kindness continue to spread through our school the rest of the week.  I heard lots of “pleases and thank yous” and witnessed several students helping in a variety of ways.  I am excited to keep the momentum going!  

Kindergarten Fall Celebration:
A truly heartwarming part of my week was the Kindergarten Fall Celebration.  I continue to be impressed by Mr. Polletto in having kindergarten students perform just a few months into their time here at Schofield.   They did an outstanding job and I want to thank Mrs. Hood, Mrs. Morris, Ms. Lopopolo and Ms. Masciarelli as well as
Señora Buitrago for their team effort in preparting students for this memorable event.  I know I look forward to these students experiencing many “Polletto Productions” in their time at Schofield.

Thank you PTO!
Thank you to the PTO for funding our 4th grade trip to Museum of Science in Boston today.  Because of our PTO fundraising events, students are able to experience field trips at no cost to families.  The fourth graders had a blast today and had the opportunity to experience many hands on, highly engaging activities.  They came back eager to share about their favorite parts.

Math Night: November 29th from 6:30-8:00PM
When was the last time you sat down to play a good old fashioned math board game?  Well, this is your chance!  Come play some games, challenge your kid’s friends (and maybe their parents) to a fun game.  With the winter holidays just around the corner, this is a great opportunity to scope out some cool and educational gift ideas!  This screen-free event is very low key, child led, and filled with treasured moments. 
NEW THIS YEAR: Solve the Hawk Challenge!  Use your math skills and your imagination to help your eyas (baby hawks) through some milestones. Are you up for the challenge?  Hope you can join us!  

I will be spending the weekend preparing to host Thanksgiving for the first time.  I can’t wait to have our families together to acknowldge all we have to be grateful for this year.  Schofield is definitely on my list!  

Have a wonderful weekend.



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