Dear Sprague Community, This Friday will be a school-wide Comfy Cozy Day to celebrate all of the great work done by Sprague students during the Kindness Olympics. If you haven’t seen it yet or wish to watch again, here is… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 11, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 4, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, I’ve seen so many parents this week and know that your child’s teacher has been busy organizing parent conferences. It is so beneficial to have this time to meet face to face to discuss how each child… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–April 4, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 28, 2018
Dear Sprague Community—March 27, 2018 With so much talk of school safety recently, I’d like to update you on the plans for Sprague. All staff members have received their new ID badges that also provide entry to building. This means… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 28, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 21, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, Open House–Friday, March 23 between 8:00 and 9:30 AM The Sprague School Open House is this Friday, March 23 from 8:00-9:30 AM. As with any Open House, the time frame is flexible and was chosen in an… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 21, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 13, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, Nothing like 3 storms in 10 days…that’s what the TV meteorologists keep saying. This week, some schools in Wellesley are planning something to recognize the efforts made by students and teachers across the country to encourage open… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 13, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 8, 2017
Dear Sprague Community, Walk to School Even with this weather, we had 157 students participate in Walk to School Day this week. If you are new to Sprague, you may have some questions about Walk to School Days. Each month,… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–March 8, 2017
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 27, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, The Sprague Kindness Olympics were a big success. We had many full jars indicating about 1500 acts of kindness over the 10 school day time period. That means we noticed about 150 acts of kindness every day!… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–February 27, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 13, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, Special days like Valentine’s Day provide an opportunity for us to share and give of ourselves. Sometimes a friendly smile or a kind word can make someone’s day. Children LOVE to give cards on Valentine’s Day as… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 13, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 7, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, I think the groundhog was right….’the groundhog saw his shadow tall, so winter isn’t done at all.’ Please check our Lost and Found one last time before February vacation as we will be donating unclaimed items at… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 7, 2018
Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 1, 2018
Dear Sprague Community, First things first….the Patriot’s need us to wear our gear tomorrow to help them win on Sunday! We will have a Patriot’s spirit day on Friday, Feb. 2nd. If your child is not a fan, he or… Continue reading Weekly note from Ms. Snyder–Feb. 1, 2018