Your proposal must be a single space one-page Google Doc in paragraph form. Be sure when writing your proposal that it is sharable so that when it is time to upload it to your application the Senior Project supervisors can access it.

1st paragraph – overview of project 

Write your name(s) and identify which of the three categories your project fits under (internship, community service or teaching assistant). Write about what you would like to do for a project. If it is a teaching assistant, who and where will you be working? Provide a reason for why you chose this subject and the teacher.  If it is an internship, please write about the place you will be interning, the types of actions you’ll be taking on and why you choose this internship. If it is community service – be sure to explain how your project benefits the community it is oriented around.  To end this first paragraph, you are to identify what you hope to learn any end goals of your senior project.

2nd paragraph – who you will be working with and when…

In this paragraph, you are to identify your On-site adult Advisor and Faculty Advisor.  Also, you are to explain your anticipated schedule: write about how many hours you will be working on this project, where you will be working on this project…

3rd  paragraph: 

Write about the classes you will be staying in 4th term and which classes you will be leaving. Do you have any AP classes? Are you in any Choral groups? Do you have any graduation requirement courses besides English that needs to be satisfied? Who are those teachers and identify the classes? Have you had conversations with all of these teachers regarding expectations/deadlines for 4th term in order for you to leave the course?