If a Senior Project includes the creation of a website or the linking of a website to the Wellesley High School website, the finished website must meet all of the following requirements. A project cannot be accepted as a complete project until accessibility requirements have been met:

  • Meet ADA Accessibility Requirements:
    • Colors – There should be adequate color contrast between background and text – Contrast Checker
    • Fonts – Should be simple and easy to read
    • Text – Should be displayed as plain text, not embedded in images/graphics
    • Images – All images must have “alt” text, unless they are purely decorative
    • Videos – All videos must have closed captions – How to Add Closed Captions
  • Translation-Friendliness – text should be displayed as plain text, not embedded in images/graphics, so that it works with automatic translators, such as Google translate
  • Mobile-Friendliness – the website should automatically resize itself depending on the size of the screen the viewer is using (phone, tablet, laptop, etc.). Most modern website platforms do this automatically.

Please meet with the WHS Instructional Technology Specialist or district webteam near the beginning of the project to make sure you understand the requirements before getting too far into your project. Any questions, please contact webteam@wellesleyps.org.