• may be a straight play or an abbreviated musical
  • performance length is limited to 30-45 minutes maximum (must be timed)
  • cast size of 6-10 actors
  • no ticket admission may be charged to performance (would increase cost of securing performance rights)
  • project rehearsals and performances may not conflict with any WHS or Performing Arts Department events, classes, rehearsals, or performances
  • public performances are limited to two
  • Project Advisor is selected from the Performing Arts Department faculty
  • there may be no soliciting of program ads from community agencies and businesses


  • title, playwright, description of story line
  • a rationale for the selection of this piece
  • projected sizes of cast and technical crew
  • rehearsal and performance venue(s) and contact information (applicant must make contacts)
  • projected rehearsal schedule and performance date(s)
  • description of musical accompaniment needs (if play contains music)

Performing Arts Department Advisor’s approval and verification are required on the following before the proposal hearing:


  • original script
  • a cutting of the script to fit the time limitations
  • name and contact information for the company which holds the rights to the piece
  • estimated cost to acquire performance rights and pay royalties
  • estimated additional costs (costumes, set materials, make up, rentals, etc.)
  • identified funding source(s)
  • description of and plan for any necessary fundraising initiative(s)
  • source(s) of costumes
  • source(s) of sets and props (especially if set building is required)