
No more than two students per project

Space is a premium! Classes will still be in progress so include in your proposal ideas for where you will work and when. Using an art room is not a guarantee.

If you are permitted use of an art room, you must be respectful of classwork and clean up your area every time you leave the space. All materials, pieces of the project, and the project can not be left on tables to dry unless arrangements are made with your advisor and the art teacher to have all the tables cleared before the room is needed for the class. An art teacher should not have to move your project in order to use the art room.


You must get Art Department approval for projects that are art-related EVEN if your teacher advisor is NOT an art teacher!

If your project is a mural or a school installation, it will be your responsibility to contact administration for approval and the
fire department to ensure your project is completed in a firesafe way.


Materials are your own cost. You will not be permitted to use Art Dept. materials or equipment without prior approval from the Art Department Director.


If you fail to respect the space and do not clean up the success of your senior project will be in jeopardy