LINK: Please click to view the Gateways website.

Contact Information:

Phone: 781-446-6290 ;4953 Canvas Syllabus 1: Gateways

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Categories: Gateways Program, Special Education
Phone: 781-446-4690 x 4139 Canvas Syllabus 1: Gateways

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Categories: Gateways Program, Special Education
Canvas Syllabus 1: Gateways

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Categories: Gateways Program, Special Education

Gateways located in WHS:

Room: 138

What services do we provide?

The Gateways Program is an academic and therapeutic program designed to assist Wellesley High School students with managing the challenges associated to high school life. We are committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that teaches our students the educational, social and personal skills needed to succeed beyond graduation.

The Gateways philosophy begins by recognizing that WHS students already possess many skill strengths that our staff can build upon to achieve their goals. We strongly supplement the students’ pre-existing skill strengths by partnering with the students to identify other skill areas needing further development. The skill training provided by our staff helps our students become increasingly confident to independently manage complex school-related matters.

Students remain connected to Gateways their entire high school career as well as shorter time lengths. Most students attend Gateways one daily academic block, five out of seven school days. In addition, our program also affords the flexibility to add or reduce time. By senior year we expect that our soon-to-be-graduating students will utilize the Gateways program on a much more as need basis.

How can we be accessed?

Gateways students are referred to this program based on the requirements of their Individual Education Plan. Students not on IEPs would not be recommended to this program.