Wellesley Public Schools – Schedule of Payments 2023-24

      Column A
  Column B
Hourly Pay Period
Check Date   Biweekly Pay Dates   From To   Notes
P1 07/10/23   07/10/23   07/01/23 07/04/23   Hourly pay, column B, worked in new fiscal year added to hours from prior fiscal year on this pay date
P2 07/24/23   07/24/23   07/05/23 07/18/23    
P3 08/07/23   08/07/23   07/19/23 08/01/23    
P4 08/21/23   08/21/23   08/02/23 08/15/23    
P5 09/05/23   09/05/23   08/16/23 08/29/23   First Pay for Teachers FY24      
P6 09/18/23   09/18/23   08/30/23 09/12/23    
P7 10/02/23   10/02/23   09/13/23 09/26/23   Stipend Payroll
P8 10/16/23   10/16/23   09/27/23 10/10/23    
P9 10/30/23   10/30/23   10/11/23 10/24/23    
P10 11/13/23   11/13/23   10/25/23 11/07/23   Stipend Payroll
P11 11/27/23   11/27/23   11/08/23 11/21/23    
P12 12/11/23   12/11/23   11/22/23 12/05/23   Stipend Payroll
P13 12/26/23   12/26/23   12/06/23 12/19/23    
P14 01/08/24   01/08/24   12/20/23 01/02/24   Stipend Payroll
P15 01/22/24   01/22/24   01/03/24 01/16/24    
P16 02/05/24   02/05/24   01/17/24 01/30/24   Stipend Payroll
P17 02/20/24   02/20/24   01/31/24 02/13/24    
P18 03/04/24   03/04/24   02/14/24 02/27/24   Stipend Payroll
P19 03/18/24   03/18/24   02/28/24 03/12/24    
P20 04/01/24   04/01/24   03/13/24 03/26/24   Stipend Payroll
P21 04/16/24   04/16/24   03/27/24 04/09/24    
P22 04/29/24   04/29/24   04/10/24 04/23/24    
P23 05/13/24   05/13/24   04/24/24 05/07/24   Stipend Payroll
P24 05/28/24   05/28/24   05/08/24 05/21/24    
P25 06/10/24   06/10/24   05/22/24 06/04/24   Stipend Payroll
P26.5 06/21/24   6/21/24 if no change to school calendar         Lump Sum Payroll for Teachers choosing this option. Paid on the last day of work-per contract. Date subject to change per school calendar.
P26 06/24/24   06/24/24   06/05/24 06/18/24    
P27 07/08/24   07/08/24   06/19/24 06/30/24   ****SPLIT PAYROLL**** *ALL pay including per diem, tutoring, workshops, coverage, etc. through 6/30. Submit timesheets by payroll deadline.
P1 07/08/24   07/08/24   07/01/24 07/02/24    
P2 07/22/24   07/22/24   07/03/24 07/16/24    
P3 08/05/24   08/05/24   07/17/24 07/30/24    
P4 08/19/24   08/19/24   07/31/24 08/13/24    
  • Salaried staff, including members of WTA Unit B with 204 or greater days in their contract, are paid in equal bi-weekly installments over the fiscal year.
  • Members of WTA Unit A, and members of WTA Unit B with 189 or 190 days per year in their contract, may opt to receive 26 equal pays over 12 months (Sept-Aug), a lump sum payment in June, or 21 equal pays over the school year.
  • Hourly staff are paid bi-weekly for hours worked during the period listed in Column B above.
  • Non-recurring and additional compensation pay is paid after the work is performed. Under NO circumstance should hours be submitted on payroll prior to the completion of the work.
  • If a holiday falls on a Monday, the check date may be the day before or after the holiday.