Dear Colleagues, I have two very good news items to share. First, our FY2017 Budget was approved at Town Meeting this week as part of the Town’s overall budget. Wellesley continues to be a community that places a premium on… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 04/08/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 04/01/16
Dear Colleagues, Last night I attended a powerful event at WHS where our outgoing METCO seniors had a chance to reflect on their experiences in WPS. The courage of these students to share deeply personal stories, often filled with emotion,… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 04/01/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/25/16
ENJOY THE WEEKEND!!! Calendar 03/25/16 – No School – Good Friday 03/28/16 – Annual Town Meeting Begins – 7 pm – WMS 03/31/16 – Deadline for C & I Proposals 03/31/16 – Deadline for WellesleyPD Course Proposals 04/12/16 – School… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/25/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/18/16
March 18, 2016 Dear Colleagues, One of our great traditions in Wellesley is to honor our staff members who have served for 25 years in the Wellesley Public Schools. In partnership with Wellesley College and the Wellesley Education Foundation, we… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/18/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/11/16
March 11, 2016 Dear Colleagues, Spring fever is here! I hope everyone is enjoying these unseasonably warm temperatures. Count me among those hoping that winter is truly in the rearview mirror. This week, we honor the service of School Committee… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/11/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/4/16
March 4, 2016 Dear Colleagues, There were two great school events this week that I wish to highlight, as they showcase both the engagement of our students and the creativity of our staff. First, on Wednesday, Wellesley High School hosted… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/4/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/26/16
February 26, 2016 Dear Colleagues, This was a difficult week for our community. The loss of a member of our High School Senior Class is one that we all feel, whether or not we knew Vic Klenk. I’ve always thought… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/26/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/12/16
February 12, 2016 Dear Colleagues, This past Sunday, I read Alex Kingsbury’s incredible story in the Boston Globe Magazine about Anne Hale, a Wayland elementary school teacher who was dismissed from her job in 1954 as part of the fervor… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/12/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/5/16
February 5, 2016 Dear Colleagues, As I stare out of my office window at rapidly accumulating snow, yesterday’s 60 degree weather is already a distant memory. I thought we might have a chance to make it without a snow day… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/5/16
Superintendent’s Bulletin 1/29/16
January 29, 2016 Dear Colleagues, I hope everyone had a productive week. I had a chance to visit Dr. Cohen’s Android App class at WHS on Monday to view his students’ end-of-course projects. Wow! Teams of students first identified a… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 1/29/16