Street | Elementary School District 2024-25 |
Abbott Road | Fiske |
Abbott Street | Hunnewell |
Aberdeen Road | Hunnewell |
Alba Road | Sprague |
Albion Road | Bates |
Alden Road | Hunnewell |
Alhambra Road | Bates |
Allen Road | Hunnewell |
Amherst Avenue | Hardy |
Amherst Road | Hunnewell |
Appian Drive | Bates |
Appleby Road | Hunnewell |
Arden Road | Hunnewell |
Argyle Avenue | Hardy |
Arlington Road | Fiske |
Arnold Road | Sprague: 1-98 Bates: 111+ |
Ashmont Road | Fiske |
Atwood Street | Hunnewell |
Auburn Road | Bates |
Audubon Road | Sprague |
Avon Road | Hardy |
Ayer Road | Sprague |
Babson College | Hunnewell |
Bacon Street | Hunnewell |
Bancroft Road | Schofield |
Barnstable Road | Sprague: 2-22 evens, all odds Bates: 30 |
Barton Road | Fiske: 1-48 Schofield: 49+ |
Bay Road | Hardy |
Bay State Road | Schofield |
Bay View Road | Hardy |
Beach Road | Hardy |
Beard Way | Hunnewell |
Beebe Way | Hunnewell |
Beechwood Road | Hardy |
Beechwood Terrace | Hardy |
Belair Road | Hunnewell |
Bellevue Road | Bates |
Bemis Road | Fiske |
Benton Street | Hunnewell |
Benvenue Street | Hunnewell |
Berkeley Road | Hardy |
Berkshire Road | Fiske |
Bernard Road | Sprague |
Bethel Road | Schofield |
Beverly Road | Bates |
Birch Road | Hunnewell |
Bird Hill Avenue | Schofield |
Bluebird Road | Schofield |
Bobolink Road | Schofield |
Boulder Brook Road | Bates |
Boulder Road | Schofield |
Boulder Road Extension | Schofield |
Boulevard Road | Schofield |
Bow Street | Schofield |
Bowdoin Road | Bates |
Bradford Road | Sprague |
Bradley Avenue | Hardy |
Brewster Road | Fiske |
Bristol Road | Bates |
Brook Street | Hunnewell |
Brookdale Avenue | Hardy |
Brookfield Circle | Bates |
Brookfield Road | Bates |
Brookmere Avenue | Hardy |
Brookside Road | Fiske |
Bryn Mawr Road | Hardy |
Buckingham Terrace | Hunnewell |
Bucknell Road | Bates |
Buena Vista Road | Hardy |
Burke Lane | Fiske |
Burnett Lane | Fiske |
Calvin Road | Sprague |
Cameron Street | Hunnewell |
Carisbrooke Road | Schofield |
Carlton Road | Hunnewell |
Caroline Street | Fiske |
Cartwright Road | Hunnewell |
Carver Road | Fiske |
Cavanagh Road | Bates |
Cedar Brook Road | Hardy |
Cedar Street | Schofield: 1-106 Fiske: 110+ |
Cedar Terrace | Fiske |
Central Street | Sprague: 1-103 odd Hunnewell: all evens Hardy: 109+ odd |
Chapel Place | Sprague |
Charles River Court | Hunnewell |
Charles Street | Schofield |
Chatham Circle | Sprague |
Chesterton Road | Bates |
Chestnut Street | Sprague |
Chiltern Road | Schofield |
Church Street | Hunnewell |
Claflin Road | Hardy |
Clark Road | Hunnewell |
Cleveland Road | Bates |
Cliff Road | Sprague: 2-106 even, all odds Bates: 110+ even |
Clifford Street | Hunnewell |
Clifton Road | Sprague |
Clock Tower Drive | Fiske |
Clovelly Road | Fiske |
Colburn Road | Sprague |
Colby Road | Hardy |
Colgate Road | Hunnewell |
College Road | Hunnewell |
Columbia Street | Schofield |
Comeau Street | Fiske |
Commonwealth Park | Schofield |
Cornell Road | Hunnewell |
Cottage Street | Hunnewell |
Cottonwood Road | Hunnewell |
Cranmore Road | Bates |
Crescent Street | Schofield |
Crest Road | Sprague |
Crestwood Drive | Schofield |
Cross Street | Hunnewell |
Croton Street | Schofield |
Crown Ridge Road | Sprague |
Cunningham Road | Fiske |
Curve Street | Sprague |
Cushing Road | Sprague |
Cypress Road | Sprague |
Dale Street | Hardy |
Damien Road | Schofield |
Dana Road | Hunnewell |
Dean Road | Schofield |
Dearborn Street | Fiske |
Deerfield Road | Bates |
Dell Street | Hardy |
Dennis Road | Schofield |
Denton Road | Hunnewell |
Dewing Path | Hunnewell |
Dexter Road | Hunnewell |
Dinsmore Road | Sprague |
Donizetti Street | Sprague |
Dorset Lane | Hardy |
Dover Road | Hunnewell |
Dudley Road | Fiske |
Dukes Road | Bates |
Dunedin Road | Fiske |
Durant Road | Hardy |
Duxbury Road | Fiske |
Earle Road | Bates |
Eaton Court | Fiske |
Edge Hill Road | Sprague |
Edgemoor Avenue | Hardy |
Edgemoor Circle | Hardy |
Edgewater Drive | Schofield |
Edmunds Road | Sprague: 1-94 Bates: 101+ |
Eisenhower Circle | Hunnewell |
Eliot Street | Hunnewell |
Elm Street | Schofield |
Elmwood Road | Bates |
Emerson Road | Schofield |
Essex Road | Bates |
Everett Street | Sprague |
Evergreen Avenue | Hardy |
Fairbanks Avenue | Schofield |
Falmouth Circle | Bates |
Falmouth Road | Bates |
Farm Road | Hunnewell |
Fells Circle | Hardy |
Fells Road | Hardy |
Fenmere Avenue | Hardy |
Fieldstone Way | Hunnewell |
Fife Road | Fiske |
Fisher Avenue | Hardy |
Fiske Road | Schofield |
Fletcher Road | Fiske |
Forest Street | Fiske: all evens Hunnewell: all odds |
Fox Hill Road | Sprague |
Framar Road | Hunnewell |
Francis Road | Sprague |
Franklin Road | Fiske |
Frost Circle | Hardy |
Fuller Brook Road | Hunnewell |
Fuller Road | Schofield |
Garden Place | Sprague |
Garden Road | Sprague |
Garrison Road | Hardy |
Geraldine Drive | Sprague |
Gilson Road | Sprague |
Glen Brook Road | Schofield |
Glen Cross Road | Schofield |
Glen Road | Schofield |
Granite Street | Sprague |
Grant Avenue | Hunnewell |
Grantland Road | Fiske |
Grantland Road Extension | Schofield |
Great Plain Avenue | Hunnewell |
Greenbough Lane | Hunnewell |
Greenlawn Avenue | Schofield |
Greenwood Road | Sprague |
Greylock Road | Bates |
Grove Street | Sprague: 1-9 Hunnewell: 16+ |
Halsey Avenue | Hardy |
Hamilton Road | Hardy |
Hampden Street | Hunnewell |
Hampshire Road | Sprague: 1-20 Bates: 31+ |
Hardy Road | Hardy |
Harris Avenue | Fiske |
Harvard Street | Sprague |
Hastings Street | Fiske |
Haven Road | Bates |
Hawthorne Road | Sprague |
Hayden Place | Fiske |
Heckle Street | Schofield |
Hewins Farm Road | Hunnewell |
Hickory Road | Hardy |
High Ledge Avenue | Hardy |
High Meadow Circle | Sprague |
Highgate | Sprague |
Highland Road | Sprague |
Hill Top Road | Sprague |
Hillcroft Road | Hardy |
Hillside Road | Schofield |
Hobart Road | Hunnewell |
Hodges Avenue | Hardy |
Hollis Street | Sprague |
Homestead Road | Hunnewell |
Hopkinson Street | Hunnewell |
Howe Street | Sprague |
Hundreds Circle | Sprague |
Hundreds Road | Schofield: 1-58 Sprague: 61+ |
Hunnewell Street | Fiske |
Hunting Circle | Schofield |
Hunting Street | Schofield |
Indian Springs Way | Schofield |
Ingersoll Road | Bates |
Ingleside Road | Hardy |
Ingraham Road | Hunnewell |
Intervale Road | Schofield |
Inverness Road | Fiske |
Ivy Circle | Sprague |
Ivy Road | Sprague |
Jackson Road | Fiske |
Jefferson Road | Fiske |
Juniper Road | Hunnewell |
Kendall Road | Hardy |
Kenilworth Circle | Hunnewell |
Kenilworth Road | Hunnewell |
Kimlo Road | Sprague |
Kingsbury Street | Sprague |
Kipling Road | Schofield |
Kirkland Circle | Sprague |
Lafayette Circle | Hardy |
Lake Road | Hardy |
Lanark Road | Sprague |
Lantern Lane | Fiske |
Larch Road | Hardy |
Lathrop Road | Hunnewell |
Laurel Avenue | Fiske |
Laurel Terrace | Fiske |
Lawrence Road | Hardy |
Ledgeways | Sprague |
Ledyard Street | Schofield |
Leewood Road | Hardy |
Lehigh Road | Hunnewell |
Leighton Road | Hunnewell |
Lexington Road | Hardy |
Lilac Circle | Sprague |
Lincoln Circle | Fiske |
Lincoln Road | Fiske |
Linden Street | Sprague |
Linwood Road | Bates |
Livermore Road | Fiske |
Livingston Road | Hunnewell |
Locust Road | Schofield |
Longfellow Road | Schofield |
Longmeadow Road | Hunnewell |
Louis Drive | Bates |
Lovewell Road | Hunnewell |
Lowell Road | Bates |
Macarthur Road | Hardy |
Madison Road | Fiske |
Manor Avenue | Hardy |
Mansfield Road | Bates |
Maple Road | Fiske |
Marigold Avenue | Hardy |
Marshall Road | Hardy |
Martin Road | Bates |
Marvin Road | Hunnewell |
Massasoit Road | Bates |
Maugus Avenue | Fiske |
Maugus Hill Road | Fiske |
Maurice Road | Sprague |
Mayo Road | Hardy |
Mclaren Road | Hardy |
Mclean Street | Fiske |
Meadow Lane | Hardy |
Meadowbrook Road | Bates |
Mellon Road | Hardy |
Mica Lane | Schofield |
Middlesex Street | Hunnewell |
Midland Road | Hunnewell |
Minuteman Lane | Fiske |
Monadnock Road | Bates |
Monroe Road | Fiske |
Montvale Road | Schofield |
Morrill Circle | Hardy |
Morses Pond Road | Hardy |
Morton Street | Hunnewell |
Mountview Road | Bates |
Mulherin Lane | Fiske |
Nantucket Road | Bates |
Nobscot Road | Hardy |
Norfolk Terrace | Hunnewell |
Northgate Road | Bates |
Norwich Road | Bates |
Oak Street | Sprague |
Oakcliff Road | Sprague |
Oakdale Avenue | Hardy |
Oakencroft Road | Sprague |
Oakland Circle | Fiske |
Oakland Street | Schofield: 1-20 Fiske: 41+ |
Oakridge Road | Bates |
Old Colony Road | Sprague: 1-77 Bates: 84+ |
Old Farm Road | Sprague |
Old Town Road | Schofield |
Orchard Street | Schofield |
Ordway Road | Hunnewell |
Oriole Road | Schofield |
Ottaway Circle | Hardy |
Overbrook Drive | Hardy |
Ox Bow Road | Schofield |
Oxford Road | Bates |
Paine Street | Hunnewell |
Park Avenue | Hunnewell |
Parker Road | Hardy |
Partridge Road | Fiske |
Patton Road | Hardy |
Peck Avenue | Hunnewell |
Peirce Road | Bates |
Pembroke Road | Hunnewell |
Pickerel Road | Hardy |
Pickerel Terrace | Hardy |
Pilgrim Circle | Bates |
Pilgrim Road | Bates |
Pine Plain Road | Bates |
Pine Ridge Road | Schofield |
Pine Street | Schofield |
Pine Tree Road | Sprague |
Pinevale Avenue | Hardy |
Pinewood Circle | Hardy |
Pinewood Road | Hardy |
Pleasant Street | Sprague |
Plymouth Road | Sprague |
Polaris Circle | Fiske |
Pond Road | Hunnewell |
Poplar Road | Hardy: 1-12 Sprague: 20+ |
Prescott Street | Fiske |
Princeton Road | Hardy |
Priscilla Circle | Fiske |
Priscilla Road | Fiske |
Prospect Street | Schofield |
Putney Road | Fiske |
Radcliffe Road | Hunnewell |
Railroad Avenue | Sprague |
Railroad Street | Sprague |
Ravine Road | Sprague |
Redwing Road | Schofield |
Regis Road | Hardy |
Rice Street | Hunnewell |
Richland Road | Bates |
Ridge Hill Farm Road | Hunnewell |
Ridgeway Road | Schofield |
River Glen Road | Schofield |
River Ridge | Schofield |
River Street | Schofield |
Riverdale Road | Schofield |
Roanoke Road | Hunnewell |
Roberts Road | Bates |
Rockland Street | Sprague |
Rockridge Road | Sprague |
Royalston Road | Bates |
Russell Road | Hardy |
Rutgers Road | Bates |
Sabrina Farm | Hunnewell |
Sabrina Road | Hunnewell |
Sagamore Road | Sprague: 1-49 Bates: 63+ |
Salem Road | Bates |
Saunders Terrace | Schofield |
Sawyer Road | Sprague |
Schaller Street | Hunnewell |
School Street | Sprague |
Scotch Pine Circle | Bates |
Scotch Pine Road | Bates |
Seaver Street | Hunnewell |
Seaward Road | Fiske |
Service Drive | Hunnewell |
Service Road | Bates |
Sessions Street | Hunnewell |
Shadow Lane | Hardy |
Shaw Road | Sprague |
Sheehan Circle | Fiske |
Shelburne Road | Bates |
Shelley Road | Schofield |
Sheridan Circle | Fiske |
Sheridan Road | Fiske |
Shirley Road | Hardy |
Shore Road | Hardy |
Simpson Road | Hardy |
Skyline Drive | Hunnewell |
Smith Street | Hunnewell |
Solon Street | Hunnewell |
South Lincoln Street | Hunnewell |
South River Street | Hunnewell |
South Woodside Avenue | Hardy |
Southgate Road | Hunnewell |
Southwick Circle | Sprague |
Sprague Road | Bates |
Spring Street | Hunnewell |
Springdale Avenue | Schofield |
Spruce Park | Fiske |
Squirrel Road | Schofield |
Standish Circle | Fiske |
Standish Road | Fiske |
Stanford Road | Bates |
State Street | Hunnewell |
Stearns Road | Sprague |
Sterling Road | Hunnewell |
Stevens Street | Hardy |
Stonecleve Road | Hardy |
Stonefield Lane | Hunnewell |
Strathmore Road | Hardy |
Sturbridge Road | Bates |
Sudbury Road | Bates |
Suffolk Road | Bates |
Summit Road | Sprague |
Sumner Road | Hunnewell |
Sunnyside Avenue | Hardy |
Sunset Road | Sprague |
Surrey Lane | Sprague |
Swarthmore Road | Hunnewell |
Sylvan Road | Schofield |
Sylvester Terrace | Sprague |
Tanglewood Road | Bates |
Tappan Road | Hunnewell |
Taylor Road | Bates |
Temple Road | Hunnewell |
Tennyson Road | Schofield |
Thackeray Road | Schofield |
The Waterway | Schofield |
Thomas Road | Hardy |
Trinity Court | Bates |
Turner Road | Hardy |
Twitchell Street | Hunnewell |
Upland Road | Hunnewell |
Upson Road | Hardy |
Upwey Road | Sprague |
Valley Road | Schofield: 1-8 Sprague: 10+ |
Vane Street | Hunnewell |
Vincent Road | Hunnewell |
Vista Road | Hunnewell |
Waban Street | Hunnewell |
Wachusett Road | Bates |
Wall Street | Sprague |
Walnut Place | Schofield |
Walnut Street | Schofield |
Wareland Road | Fiske |
Washburn Avenue | Schofield |
Washington Court | Schofield |
Washington Street | Schofield: 1-189 all, 190-212 even Sprague: 207-571 odd Fiske: 254-386 even Hunnewell: 388-570 even, 572+ all |
Webb Avenue | Fiske |
Wedgwood Road | Bates |
Wellesley Avenue | Hunnewell: 1-299 all Fiske: 300+ all |
Wellesley College | Hunnewell |
West Riding | Hunnewell |
Westerly Street | Sprague |
Westgate | Bates |
Westminster Circle | Bates |
Weston Road | Hunnewell: 1-47 all Hardy: 112+ even, 185-327 odd Sprague: 139-175 odd Bates: 329+ odd |
Weston Terrace | Hunnewell |
Westwood Road | Hunnewell |
White Oak Road | Sprague |
Whiting Road | Hunnewell |
Whittier Road | Schofield |
Wilde Road | Bates |
Wildon Road | Hunnewell |
Wildwood Circle | Hunnewell |
William Street | Fiske |
Willow Park | Fiske |
Willow Road | Hardy |
Willow Street | Fiske |
Wilson Street | Hunnewell |
Windemere Lane | Sprague |
Windemere Road | Sprague |
Winding River Circle | Hunnewell |
Winding River Road | Hunnewell |
Windsor Road | Fiske |
Wingate Road | Bates |
Winslow Road | Fiske |
Winthrop Road | Hunnewell |
Wiswall Circle | Hunnewell |
Woodbine Road | Hardy |
Woodchester Road | Sprague |
Woodcliff Road | Bates |
Woodfield Road | Hardy |
Woodland Road | Bates |
Woodlawn Avenue | Schofield |
Woodlawn Oval | Schofield |
Woodridge Road | Hunnewell |
Woodside Avenue | Hardy |
Woodway Road | Hunnewell |
Worcester Street | Fiske: 1-199 all, 200-422 even Schofield: 215-391 odd Sprague: 431-645 all, 646-722 even Bates: 661-859 odd Hardy: 724-858 even, 860+ all |
Wynnewood Road | Bates |
Yarmouth Road | Bates |
Registration & Enrollment
- Overview
- Required Documents
- Kindergarten Registration
- How to Submit Contact Info for Siblings
- PAWS Preschool Registration
- Elementary Transfer Option (Open Enrollment)
- Change of Address
- Withdrawing Your Student
School Assignment & Redistricting Information
- Student Enrollment & School Assignment – Policy JG
- Elementary School Attendance Zones – Policy JC
- Find Your Elementary School District (Search by Street Name)
- Bus Eligibility by Street
- School Committee Approved Redistricting Map (Effective Fall 2024)
- Admission of Students – Policy JF
Enrollment Reports
- 2023-24 Enrollment Report – October 1, 2023
- 2022-23 Enrollment Report – October 1, 2022
- FutureThink Enrollment Presentation – September 27, 2022
- 2021-22 Enrollment Report – November 3, 2021
- 2020-21 Enrollment Report – October 1, 2020
- FutureThink Updated Enrollment Projections – January 27, 2020
- FutureThink’s Enrollment Presentation – January 16, 2020
- 2019-20 Enrollment Report – October 1, 2019
- Enrollment Projections FY19 through FY21
- Enrollment Report Presentation to School Committee 10-25-2019