Special Education Child Find Notice:
Under federal and state special education regulations, the Wellesley Public Schools has a responsibility to locate, identify, refer, evaluate, and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate, public education to students with disabilities who reside in the town of Wellesley. For parent(s) or guardian(s) of children age 3-21 years of age, who are suspected of having a disability, and who would like more information, please contact:
- Kristen Stacy, Director of Early Childhood Education
- Astrid Mazariegos, Assistant Director Elementary Learning Centers
- Claire Higgins, Assistant Director of Specialized Programs (Skills, TLC, ISS, LBLC)
- Cristina Malinn, Department Head of Middle School Special Education
- Greg Beaupre, Department Head of High School Special Education
Please take a moment to read the following Child Find Information Sheet HERE.