
In an effort to deepen our work around cultural competency, all of our District administrators are engaged in a course, led by Kalise Wornum, to build our capacity in this important area. Over the course of three days of training, we are not only reflecting on our individual attitudes toward race, but we are also examining our District practices and their impact on our students, staff, and families. Our hope is that by providing this training, we can build a common foundation throughout WPS that we can continue to enhance through our work with all educators.

Related to the aforementioned training, we are also moving ahead with a Request for Quotes (RFQ) to solicit interest from qualified partners to conduct a formal assessment of the climate of race and diversity within WPS. In light of events from the past year, we want to be sure we have a more comprehensive understanding of our environment and that our work is appropriately focused in the coming years. Our expectation is that this will include interviews and focus with students and staff, along with survey work that will ultimately lead to a full report and recommendations that we can use as a roadmap for our planning.

Finally, given the many areas in which we are moving as a district around race and diversity, I will be seeking volunteers to join me as part of a District steering committee to help guide this work. I’ll be reaching out under a separate cover with more details.

Thanks you for all that you do for our students each day. Go Pats!


2/07/17 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall
2/09/17 – Conversation on Race with Prof. Pash Obeng – 7 pm (See Details Below)
​​​​​​​2/20-2/24/17 – School Vacation Week
03/10/17 – Deadline for WEF Spring Grant Applications

Congratulations to Abigail Eustis (Bates Gr 5 Teacher) on the birth of her daughter, Daphne Athena, on January 26, 2017.

​​​​​​​Conversation on Race with Professor Pash Obeng – February 9, 2017 – WHS Library, 7:00-9:00 pm
The event will open with a welcome from Kalise Wornum, METCO K-12 Director for Wellesley Public Schools and other members of the celebration committee, followed by a brief keynote from Rev. Dr. Pashington Obeng, Wellesley resident of 29 years, Associate Minister at Wellesley Hills Congregational Church and Professor of Africana Studies at Wellesley College. The evening will include table conversations facilitated by Wellesley Public School faculty, parents and community members. Our hope is that by coming together and providing a space for dialogue and learning we will build stronger relationships and understanding.

Wellesley METCO Celebration Committee

RSVP to worldofwellesley or eventbrite link.​​​​​​

Spring WEF Grant Deadline 3-10-17

​​​​​​​Apply Now to Enroll Children of Non-Resident WTA Members in Wellesley Public Schools

Children of teachers or nurses residing outside of Wellesley shall be entitled to attend Wellesley Public Schools without charge for tuition on a space-available basis (Article 12, WTA Unit A Contract). If you are interested in this benefit for the 2017-18 school year, please click here to access the form. Once complete, please return the form, along with a letter of intent, to District Registrar Nancy Costigliola in Central Office or email it back to her at The Application and Letter of Intent Deadline is May 1, 2017.

​​​​​​​Graduate Course Reimbursement Guidelines/Deadline
​​​​​Course reimbursement funding of $30,000 is available to distribute in FY18 among qualified teachers. This funding is for graduate course work done to obtain a master’s degree and/or a teacher’s professional license. Newly added benefits this year allow course reimbursement for specialists including physical therapists and occupational therapists to recertify their professional or allied health license. The Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning must verify in advance that there are no further in-district specialist courses available in order for the specialists to apply for course reimbursement. To apply for this course reimbursement, please send by no later June 1, 2017, your name, evidence of your enrollment in an applicable master/doctoral degree program, name and description of the course, evidence of course cost (a billing statement), proof of payment (i.e. credit card statement, canceled check or receipt of payment), and transcript to Valerie Spruill, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Human Resources, spruillv. You will be notified of the amount awarded to you some time prior to the first paycheck in September 2017. Please note: all information must be received by June 1, 2017 or you will be disqualified for reimbursement. All courses must have occurred in the summer of 2016, fall of 2016 and spring of 2017 and have been completed by June 1, 2017. Any courses taken prior to the summer of 2016 will not count for reimbursement.

​​​​​​​Attention Core Academic Teachers: Important Licensure Information

If you are a core academic teacher and you currently hold a preliminary license, you must take the RETELL course and obtain the SEI Teacher Endorsement in order to renew your license as an initial license. For RETELL purposes, a core academic teacher is an early childhood, elementary, special education, English, reading, mathematics, science, civics and government, economics, history or geography teacher. The requirement to take the RETELL course applies to teachers with preliminary licenses, regardless of whether or not they had an ELL student in their classroom.

If you are unsure about what type of license you are working under (preliminary, initial or professional), please go on your DESE ELAR account and check your license type.

RETELL Information

Working in collaboration with the Wellesley Teachers’ Association, tentative arrangements have been made to offer the RETELL course in-District during the Spring 2017 semester. Please watch for additional information in upcoming Superintendent’s Bulletins.

​​​​​​​All Benefits Information

Benefits information is handled by the Town Hall Benefits Office. All benefit inquiries should be directed to Joanne Liburd at JLiburd or by calling 781-431-1019 extension 2244.

WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website

Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.

Superintendent’s Bulletin 2/3/2017