Following trends throughout the Commonwealth, the Wellesley Health Department today announced that COVID-19 cases are increasing in our community and at our colleges. Officials are reporting evidence of community spread and are urging everyone to continue to do their part and follow all current guidelines. 

Also today, Wellesley Public Schools and the Health Department issued the following message to the community about additional confirmed cases at Wellesley High School. These new cases are related to positive cases identified last week. See updated WPS case information.

Dear Members of the Wellesley Community,

We write to share an update on the number of positive COVID-19 cases that have continued to be identified at Wellesley High School.  At the time of our joint message last Wednesday, eight cases had been identified in less than one week.  Following that announcement, additional positive cases have been confirmed, bringing that total now to 13 positive cases within 11 days.  While these cases have included both students and staff, the majority of the cases have been adult members of the WHS staff, with strong evidence of in-school transmission. At this point in time, these cases have not impacted any other school. 

Based on both the prior and active contact tracing related to these cases completed in close collaboration between the Wellesley Public Schools and Wellesley Department of Health, we are continuing to conduct a detailed analysis of the cause(s) of this cluster to help guide any further mitigation steps we can take prior to WHS reopening after Thanksgiving.

We recognize that this news is disconcerting given the many safety layers that were already in place at WHS and across all schools.  We will continue to do everything we can to support the safe, continued operations of the Wellesley Public Schools moving forward.  

As always, we each have a role to play in stopping the spread of the virus, including wearing masks, washing our hands, social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings.  All of these steps will be particularly important to follow as we approach the holiday season.  

Thanks for your continued support.

WPS_HD.WHS COVID 19 Update. 11.15.20_FINAL.pdf ​​​​​​​

Dr. David Lussier

Superintendent of Schools

Leonard Izzo

Director, Wellesley Health Department  


Update from Wellesley Schools & Health Depts.