Dear Members of the WPS Community:

We are writing to inform you that early this morning, the School Committee was very pleased to receive notification from the Wellesley Educators Association (WEA) that its leadership team has agreed to accept the terms of the Committee’s latest offer. 

Representatives from the WEA have forwarded a draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that the School Committee’s bargaining team is carefully reviewing. 

The four-year proposed agreement that the Committee presented May 8 provides substantial compensation increases for our teachers and staff, increases some benefits, provides additional supports for students, and meets the School Committee’s fiscal responsibilities to the Town. 

If approved by WEA members, this agreement will be in effect through June 30, 2026. It is our sincerest hope that our proposed agreement will be ratified by a vote from all members of the WEA tonight. 

We want to take this opportunity to thank all of our educators and staff for their dedication to WPS students, and the community for their support of our schools. We expect to provide further updates from our bargaining team later today.


The Wellesley School Committee

Leda Eizenberg, MAT, Chair

Linda Chow, Vice Chair

Craig E. Mack, Ed.D., Secretary

Christina Horner, M.Ed., Member

Catherine Mirick, Member

5-12-2023 Update from the Wellesley School Committee