Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. I wanted to take a moment to highlight the important role that our parent organizations play in supporting our work in WPS. This of course begins with our PTOs, who provide… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 9/20/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 9/13/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. Our back-to-school nights have now started and will run for the next several weeks. Thank you all for your efforts to make these evenings positive engagement opportunities with our parents and… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 9/13/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 9/6/24
Colleagues, I hope you enjoyed the Labor Day weekend and that you are starting to get your sea legs back in our second week of the new year. We were incredibly saddened by yet another school shooting this week that… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 9/6/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 8/30/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive first week of school to start the 2024-25 school year! I was delighted to welcome you back on Monday during our all-staff kickoff. Weren’t our students terrific in leading off the program?… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 8/30/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 6/14/24
Have a great summer! Calendar June 14 – Last Day of School for Teachers June 18 – School Committee Meeting June 19 – Juneteenth (Offices closed) 403(B)/457 Fund Contribution Limits The limit for 403(b) and 457 contributions for calendar year… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 6/14/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 6/7/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week as we approach the close of our school year for students on Thursday. Last night, we honored the 352 members of the WHS Senior Class who are now officially graduates. This… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 6/7/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/31/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week as we close out the month of May. I want to begin with a shout-out to our METCO staff for hosting the recent METCO awards night in Boston. I appreciated how… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/31/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/24/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a great week. We’ve been fortunate to have fairly cool weather this spring so far, but we certainly felt the heat on Wednesday and Thursday. I know conditions can become challenging in our schools… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/24/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/17/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. One of my favorite Wellesley traditions is the “Chair” ceremony sponsored by the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF), which honors colleagues with 25 years of service to our district. This year’s event… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/17/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/10/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. Each year at the start of May, we honor our educators during Teacher Appreciation Week. Teaching is the foundational profession from which all other professions flow. Those who choose this profession… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/10/24