Finance and Business Operations
The Business Office is comprised of several functions that provide core support to the operations of the District. Our goal is to respond to administrators, staff and the community in a timely, helpful and knowledgeable way that supports their work in service to our students.
Cynthia D. Mahr, SFO
Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Administrative Assistant: Laura BallBusiness OfficeLaura Ball
Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Business OfficeDenise Forte
Accounts Receivable Coordinator, Revenues, Cash Management, Online Revenues Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5708
Website: WPS Food Services
Website: Menus and Nutritional Information
Website: My School Bucks – Online Payment System for School Meals
Cynthia D. Mahr, SFO
Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Administrative Assistant: Laura BallBusiness OfficeR. Deane McGoldrick
Transportation Director, In-District and Out-of-District Transportation Business OfficePlease report any directory updates or additions to the district Data and Web Assistant,