Finance and Business Operations

The Business Office is comprised of several functions that provide core support to the operations of the District. Our goal is to respond to administrators, staff and the community in a timely, helpful and knowledgeable way that supports their work in service to our students.

Photo of Cynthia D. Mahr SFO

Cynthia D. Mahr, SFO

Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Administrative Assistant: Laura BallBusiness Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5611 Fax: 781-446-6207 Website: Business Office

Laura Ball

Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5611 Website: Business Office

Denise Forte

Accounts Receivable Coordinator, Revenues, Cash Management, Online Revenues Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5618

Donna Kalinowski

Payroll Coordinator, Payroll, MTRS, 403B Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5613
Photo of Cynthia D. Mahr SFO

Cynthia D. Mahr, SFO

Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Administrative Assistant: Laura BallBusiness Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5611 Fax: 781-446-6207 Website: Business Office

Lilian Malo

Accounting Coordinator for Payroll & Public Records Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5612 Website: Business Office

R. Deane McGoldrick

Transportation Director, In-District and Out-of-District Transportation Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5614 Website:

Patty McGuire

Transportation Coordinator and Accounting Coordinator Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5621

Colleen Murphy Daniels

Accounting Coordinator for Accounts Payable Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5606 Website: Business Office

Trisha Slyne

Transaction Accountant, Rentals and General Office Support Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5619 Website: Business Office

Terrine Wagner

Accounting Coordinator for Purchasing Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5632 Website: Business Office

Please report any directory updates or additions to the district Data and Web Assistant,