2024-25 Pay Schedule:

Novatime Electronic Timesheets:

If you require additional assistance please read our Novatime Electronic Timesheets Instructions or contact Donna Kalinowski or your building technology specialist.

Printed Timesheet Directions:

  • Download the appropriate excel document and save to your desktop.
  • You can populate the name field and save so that field will always be filled out when you start a new sheet.
  • Each week, change the “Week Ending” date and the dates in each column will populate automatically.
  • If any changes from the prior week, delete hours and enter new hours for the current week. Otherwise you may leave the prior hours and move to printing.
  • Print, manually sign, and turn in to your supervisor. Do not send electronically to supervisor, payroll, etc.

Standard Excel Timesheet .xls (for TAs and PARAs)
Secretary Excel Timesheet .xlsx (for secretaries)
Substitute Excel Timesheet .xlsx (for substitutes)
Support Staff Sub Excel Timesheet .xlsx (for support staff substitutes)

Donna Kalinowski

Payroll Coordinator, Payroll, MTRS, 403B Business Office
Phone: 781-446-6210 ;5613