Wellesley Public Schools NOVAtime Online Timesheets

Teaching Assistants and Paraprofessionals Hourly

Effective September 26, 2018 Wellesley Public Schools will be launching the NOVAtime Online Timesheets System. This application will allow you to submit your timesheet electronically and request time off to your supervisor. Below are instructions on how to use the system. If you have any questions on how to use this system or feedback about the system, please contact the Payroll Office at 781-446-6210 ;5613 or e-mail to dkalinowski@wellesleyma.gov, dforte@wellesleyma.gov, or wcobb@wellesleyma.gov.

Logging In

  1. In the Employee ID box, enter your E-Mail Username then hit the tab key. (ie: Jackie Meyer = meyerj)
  2. In the Password box, enter your Password and either Click on Employee Web Services button or hit Return on your keyboard.

Novatime Login Screenshot

Timesheet Entry: Open Timesheet

  1. Once logged into NOVAtime confirm the Pay Period and OPEN the timesheet by Clicking on the partial Arrow next to Timesheet.

Open Timesheet Screenshot

Timesheet Entry: Enter Worked Hours

  1. Under Pay Code select code 0[Reg Hrly Wrkd].
  2. Enter Daily Hours Worked and Save. Click to the left of the comment bubble 💬 to enter your hours worked.
    • If you are sick, use the pull down menu under the pay code field to insert the paycode “sick hours”.
    • If you work a split day, use two pay codes for that day. (ie, On September 27th you worked 3 regular hours (3 reg hrly wrkd) and you went home sick 3.5 hours (3.5 sick hours). This will total 6.5 hours for the day but will be listed correctly in two pay codes according to the time worked/used.
  3. After entering your time, Click on the Save button on the top left hand side. If you do not Save before you submit, your timesheet will submit with zero hours.

Enter Worked Hours Screenshot

Timesheet Entry: Substituting for a Teacher

  1. Under Pay Code select code 0[Reg Hrly Wrkd]. Enter Daily Hours Worked worked.
  2. On next line under Pay Code select code 24[TA Sub].
  3. Enter 1 for a whole day. Enter .5 for a half day. Click to the left of the comment bubble 💬 to enter the person for whom you subbed.
  4. After entering your time, Click on the Save button on the top left hand side. If you do not Save before you submit, your timesheet will submit with zero hours.

Substituting Screenshot 1

Substituting Screenshot 2, Add Notes

Timesheet Entry: Example of Bereavement / Jury Duty

  1. The following Pay Codes require a note to be entered. If note is not completed, your timesheet will be rejected.
    • BEREAVEMENT – Note Required (Family member – i.e., Grandmother)
    • JURY DUTY – No Note Required; however, confirmation of jury duty received from the court must be sent to Payroll.
  2. Click inside the comment bubble 💬 to enter applicable information and click OK.

Bereavement or Jury Duty Screenshot

Timesheet Entry: Additional Regular Hours Worked (Must be Necessary and Approved in Advance)

  1. Under Pay Code select code 0[Reg Hrly Wrkd]. A note is required for this section; you must enter the reason for additional hours and name of person who approved; must be approved in advance.
  2. Enter Daily Hours Worked. Click to the left of the comment bubble 💬 to enter your hours worked.
  3. Click inside the comment bubble 💬 to enter reason for additional hours worked and click OK. If note is not completed, your timesheet will be rejected.
  4. After entering your time, click on the Save button on the top left hand side. If you do not Save before you submit, your timesheet will submit with zero hours.

Additional Regular Hours Screenshot 1

Additional Regular Hours Screenshot 2, Add Notes

***NOTE: Additional Afterschool Hours still need to be submitted on a Yellow Timesheet.***

Submit Timesheet Entry

  1. Confirm Pay Code(s) and Hours are accurate.
  2. Click on SUBMIT to submit timesheet. This will send your timesheet to your supervisor for approval. Note, once the timesheet is submitted you cannot make changes without the authorization of your supervisor.

Submit Timesheet Entry Screenshot