Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. One of my favorite Wellesley traditions is the “Chair” ceremony sponsored by the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF), which honors colleagues with 25 years of service to our district. This year’s event… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/17/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/10/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. Each year at the start of May, we honor our educators during Teacher Appreciation Week. Teaching is the foundational profession from which all other professions flow. Those who choose this profession… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/10/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/3/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week as we marched into May! On Tuesday, we hosted the Massachusetts State Board of Education for their May meeting. By tradition, the Board has one of its final meetings of the… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 5/3/24
Applications Sought to Fill School Committee Seat
April 30, 2024 – The Wellesley School Committee is seeking applications for an interim Committee member. The current Vice Chair, Catherine Mirick, announced last week that she is resigning at the end of May, as her family will be relocating… Continue Reading Applications Sought to Fill School Committee Seat
Superintendent’s Bulletin 4/26/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a restful April vacation and a productive week back in school. I want to give a special shout-out to Bates teacher Katy Comstock for allowing me to shadow her 3rd grade class on Wednesday. … Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 4/26/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 4/12/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. Before we head into the April vacation week, I wanted to highlight a few items. First, many thanks to our WMS Social Studies Department for managing the 8th grade civics capstone… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 4/12/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 4/5/24
Have a great weekend everyone! Best, David Calendar April 15 – 19 – April Break (Schools Closed) April 23 – School Committee Meeting Open Enrollment Open enrollment for all benefit eligible Town of Wellesley Employees will be from April 1-26,… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 4/5/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/29/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week, in which there was great deal of activity across the district. With the start of our MCAS testing window, I appreciate all of the planning that has gone into establishing schedules,… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/29/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/22/24
Colleagues, While we are now officially in spring, it feels more like February outside! I hope you each had a productive week. Many thanks to the Fiske staff who joined me for coffee and conversation on Tuesday. I also want… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/22/24
Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/15/24
Colleagues, I hope you each had a productive week. On Tuesday night, WMS Principal Mark Ito, and Math Department Head Liz Gentes provided an update to the School Committee on plans to update the screening process at WMS for math… Continue Reading Superintendent’s Bulletin 3/15/24