The Superintendent formed a Fee Task Force in the spring of 2016 to assess the financial burden on parents.  Based on the recommendation of the Fee Task Force, the fiscal year 2019 budget included a number of fee changes. 

These include:

  • Elimination of the $150 activity fee for students who only participate in the National Honor Society and/or The Key Club;
  • Increase in PAWS pre-school tuition of $0.50 an hour; and
  • Increase of $50 for the Athletic fee.

A copy of the full report is available as part of the Fiscal Year 2019 budget document.  As noted in the report, the work of the committee resulted in short and long-term recommendations.  These recommendations will be reviewed annually.

Credit card processing fees have been absorbed by the District since the inception of the on-line payment system.  As the use of the system has increased, the financial burden to the district has grown to approximately $100K per year.  As of July 1, 2018, online credit card fees will be paid by system users, similar to online food service payments.