Foundational Skills K-2:
Research shows that fluent word reading stems from the underlying foundational skills of phonological awareness, phonics and decoding, and automatic word recognition. WPS uses two evidence based programs to teach these foundational skills: Heggerty Phonological & Phonemic Awareness and Wilson Fundations.
Engagement with Complex Text:
We know all students should engage with complex text regularly by reading and/or listening. All students, regardless of grade or current reading ability, deserve access to rich, engaging, culturally diverse and authentic literature everyday in school. WPS Units of Study in Reading have been adapted from Units of Study in Reading by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues at Teachers College Reading and Writing Project to provide this engagement.
In order to become proficient writers, students need explicit instruction, practice, and feedback in writing skills and craft. The Units of Study in Opinion, Information, and Narrative Writing by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues at Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is currently used in K-5 classrooms as the core writing curriculum.