Superintendent Bulletin
Colleagues,With our recent cold days, and early glimpses of snow, I am reminded that winter will be here shortly. Next week, we observe Thanksgiving, my favorite holiday of the year. Coming together with family and friends, reflecting on our blessings, and eating great food, is a winning combination that ought to be a more common occurrence in our lives. I know some of you will start your day by rooting for our Football Raiders as they take on the Needham Rockets for the 127th time as part of our historic rivalry. Needham will host the game this year, which begins at 10am.Whether you are staying at home or traveling next week, I hope you enjoy a safe and restful holiday with loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving! Best regards, David
Calendar 12/2/14 School Committee Mtg – Town Hall – 7 pm 12/3/14 Flu Vaccine Clinic – Health Dept. 2:30-4 pm 12/11/14 School Committee Mtg – Supt. Conf. Room – 8:30 am 12/16/14 School Committee Mtg – Town Hall – 7 pm
Condolences to Fran Zilonis (K-12 Director of Libraries) on the passing of her mother, Mary Ryder, on November 13, 2014 and to Holly Holmes (Library Assistant – Hunnwell) on the loss of her mother, Ruth Buttner Benedict on November 18, 2014.
Runner Wanted:
Know anyone looking for a number for the 2015 Boston Marathon? WEF is looking for a willing runner to run for WEF and fundraise for a great cause! If so, please contact ceciliabrooks@verizon.net .For the past twenty-five years, WEF has funded grants to educators in the Wellesley Public schools system to explore new techniques and implement innovative programs that result in richer and deeper learning experiences for students. More than $125,000 invested in the 2013-14 school year and over $1.25 million has been awarded in grants and assistance in the past 10 year.
Flu Vaccine Clinic ~~~~ WPS Faculty & Staff
Flu vaccine clinics for all faculty and staff have been scheduled at the following times:
- Wednesday, December 3, 2014 2:30 – 4:00pm
Location: Wellesley Board of Health – 90 Washington Street You do not need to call ahead or make an appointment. Bring your insurance card. Donations to the Healthy Wellesley Fund are greatly appreciated.There is also a flu vaccine clinic on Tuesday November 25, from 10 am – 12 noon, at the Board of Health Office. Any questions: Call Linda Corridan, RN 781-446-6210, x 5710
2014-15 Professional Development Opportunities
RETELL SEI Endorsement Course: Spring 2015 There is a new opportunity for eligible educators to enroll in the no-cost RETELL SEI Endorsement course in the Spring.Participants must meet all eligibility requirements at the time of the SEI course:
- Must be a Core Academic Teacher
- Must currently be teaching in a classroom
- Must have at least one ELL enrolled in one or more courses being taught
Registration Link: http://tinyurl.com/nw6lhov Please note that you will need your MEPID (Massachusetts Ed Personnel ID) number in order to register. Directions on how to locate this number are included at the registration link above. Registration closes on January 15, 2015. If you have any questions about RETELL, please contact Anne Higgins, Director of ELL.WellesleyPD can be accessed from the WPS website (www.wellesley.k12.ma.us). Under the ‘Faculty’ tab, select “Professional Development”.Register now for Winter/Spring Professional Development Offerings on WellesleyPD!
- Discovering the Artist Within
Instructors: Lynne Johnson & Diane Redfield Participants: PreK-12 Educators and Non-Art Specialists Dates/Times: 1/31/15, 2/28/15, 3/21/15, 4/11/15, 9:00a – 3:45p (snow dates: 2/7 & 3/7)
- Online Tools for Formative Assessment and Collaboration
Instructors: Ranjani Sriram & Brian Allieri Participants: PreK-12 Educators Dates/Times: Online Only Weeks of 3/9/15 – 4/6/15; Project Due 4/17/15
- Fitness for Life and the Classroom
Instructor: John Mulryan Participants: K-12 Educators Dates/Times: 4/1/15, 4/8/15, 4/15/15, 4/29/15, 5/6/15, 5/13/15, 5/20/15, 5/27/15, 3:30p – 6:45p
- CPI Restraint Training – Full Course WINTER
Instructors: Adam Diliberto, Elisa Buchsbaum & Jody Steinhilber Participants: PreK-12 Educators, TAs & Paras Dates/Times: 1/20/15, 1/21/15, 1/22/15, 3:45p – 6:45p
- CPI Restraint Training – Full Course SPRING
Instructors: Adam Diliberto, Elisa Buchsbaum & Jody Steinhilber Participants: PreK-12 Educators, TAs & Paras Dates/Times: 6/15/15, 6/16/15, 8:00a – 3:00p
- CPI Restraint Training – Refresher Course SPRING
Instructors: Adam Diliberto, Elisa Buchsbaum & Jody Steinhilber Participants: PreK-12 Educators, TAs & Paras Dates/Times: 3/31/15, 3:45p – 6:45p
WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website: http://www.wellesley.k12.ma.us. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.
Wellesley Public Schools • Wellesley, Massachusetts www.wellesley.k12.ma.us/district/superintendent David Lussier, Superintendent
The Superintendent’s Bulletin is posted weekly on Fridays on our website. It provides timely, relevant information about meetings, professional development opportunities, curriculum and program development, grant awards, and School Committee news. The bulletin is also the official vehicle for job postings. Please read the bulletin regularly and use it to inform colleagues of meetings and other school news.