Wellesley Public Schools
Learning • Caring • Innovating
Superintendent’s Bulletin
May 15, 2015
Dear Colleagues,
Thanks to everyone for your efforts to support the transition to our new health care options during the past month. It was a relatively short amount of time to get quite a bit of information out to our staff and then to receive everyone’s completed registration forms back at Town Hall. Kudos!
While many of our staff are often only in Wellesley during the week, this is a great weekend to be in town for Wellesley’s Wonderful Weekend. Starting tonight with the Fun Fair at Hunnewell Elementary School, there will be events all weekend long culminating with a fireworks show on Sunday at dusk. To see the full schedule of events, please visit http://www.wellesleyweekend.com.
Finally, I am looking forward to attending the annual awards dinner on Sunday to honor our graduating METCO seniors. Many of these students began making the daily commute to and from Boston in Kindergarten, and have been members of our community for the past twelve years. Please join me in saluting their achievement and accept my thanks for your excellent work as their teachers and mentors during this time.
Enjoy the weekend!
Best regards, David
Calendar 5/25/15 – Memorial Day – No School 5/26/15 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall 5/27/15 – Deadline: Affordable Housing Lottery Application 6/5/15 – WHS Graduation – 5 pm 6/8/15 (Monday) – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall 6/19/15 – Last Day of School for Students 6/23/15 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall
Condolences to Carol Dube (WHS English Teacher) on the loss of her mother, Mertie Milbury, on May 8, 2015.
Condolences to Mimi Feerick (WMS Department Head of Special Ed) on the loss of her brother, Jim Dailey, on May 8, 2015.
WHS GRADUATION NEWS Ticket Information
Wellesley High School Graduation is on June 5, Hunnewell Field, at 5:00 PM. (If outside, a ticket will not be necessary.) In case of rain, the graduation ceremony will be in the GYM at Wellesley High School. All faculty and staff will need a ticket for admission. Please email Mary Donahue at donahuem@wellesleyps.org by Friday, May 22. If you plan to attend the graduation, Mary will send the ticket and instructions by return mail.
Special Education Strategic Plan Committee Participation SY2015-2016
The Wellesley Public Schools is seeking the participation and input of community members as we develop a strategic plan for Special Education. If you are interested in providing insight and recommendations on the important issues that face special education, please consider joining the committee. While the bulk of the work will take place during the 2015-2016 school year, we plan to hold an orientation meeting on June 4th, from 4-6 pm. Our goal is to present a strategic plan on Special Education to the School Committee in early Summer 2016.
If you are interested in serving on the committee, please submit a letter of interest that introduces yourself, your interest/investment in special education and what contribution you feel you can bring to the strategic planning process. As Special Education encompasses many areas of education, we are seeking to build a diverse committee that will represent educators and parents from across the district.
Committee members will be asked to make a commitment to attend all meetings throughout the year. Please submit your application of interest no later than May 22, 2015 to Lori Cimeno, Director of Student Services, Wellesley Public Schools, 781-446-6210 ext. 5629 or cimenol@wellesleyps.org.
Wellesley Housing Development Corporation Announces Lottery for Affordable Housing Opportunity in Wellesley
The Belclare Wellesley is a new condominium development located at 580 Washington Street and 53 Grove Street, Wellesley, MA. The development is located in Wellesley center, at the former site of the Wellesley Inn. There will be five (5) affordable units with three in the carriage house, and two in the cottage. The new carriage house and new cottage will replicate the ones that were on the site when the Inn was there. There is one 1BR unit, three 2BR units and one 3BR unit. The sales prices range from $173,100 to $216,000. The purchasers of the units will be chosen through a lottery to be held among all qualified applicants.
There will be an information meeting on the lottery process on May 6th at 7pm in the Arnold conference Room at the Wellesley Free Library, 530 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA 02482. Applications are due May 27th.
For more information on the units, the timing, and the process, and for an application form go to http://www.maloneyrealestate.com/the-belclare-lottery
Robert Kenney, Chair, Wellesley Housing Development Corporation
WellesleyPD Summer 2015 Course Offerings
Instructions for Registration
All WellesleyPD course offerings and information is available online:
Registration for courses closes 2 weeks prior to the date of the first scheduled session of the course. Early registration is encouraged, as class size for each course is limited and a minimum number of participants is required in order for a course to run.
The array of instructional workshops and courses scheduled to be offered this summer promises to engage teachers in opportunities that promote continuous inquiry leading to the advancement of student learning and improved practice.
Content-Based Courses
- Using Thinking Maps to Enhance Student Performance
Participants: PreK-12 Classroom Teachers & Special Educators
- Understanding and Applying Differentiated Instruction
Participants: PreK-12 Educators
- Discovering the Artist Within: Fostering Creativity in the Classroom
Participants: PreK-12 Educators, Non-Art Specialists
- Close Reading
Participants: Grades 3-6 Classroom Teachers & Special Educators
- Writing Workshop K-5
Participants: K-5 Educators
- Being Scientists & Engineers: Integrating Science & Engineering Practices in the Elementary Classroom
Participants: PreK-5 Educators
- iPad Boot Camp
Participants: PreK-5 Educators
- Designing Blended Curriculum Units for the Classroom in Canvas
Participants: Grades 8-12 Educators
- Google Apps for Education
Participants: PreK-12 Educators
CPI Restraint Training
- Full Course
Participants: PreK-12 Educators, TAs & Paras
Wellesley Supervision and Evaluation System
Based on staff feedback, a list of Educator Evaluation FAQs has been compiled and is now available online:
For a direct link click FAQs.
Graduate Course Reimbursement Course reimbursement funding of $30,000 is available to distribute in FY15 among qualified teachers. This funding is for graduate course work done as part of a master’s degree program to fulfill a teacher’s obligations for the Massachusetts Educators Professional License and for course work required to achieve the next stage of licensure culminating in a professional license. To apply for this course reimbursement, please send, by June 1, 2015, your name, evidence of your enrollment in an applicable master/doctoral degree program, name and description of the course, evidence of course cost (a billing statement), proof of payment (i.e. credit card statement, canceled check or receipt of payment), and transcript to Valerie Spruill, Administrative Assistant to the Human Resources Director, spruillv@wellesleyps.org You will be notified of the amount awarded to you sometime prior to the first paycheck in September 2015. Please note: all information must be received by June 1, 2015 or you will be disqualified for reimbursement. All courses must have occurred in the summer of 2014, fall of 2014 and spring of 2015 and have been completed by June 1, 2015. Any courses taken prior to the summer of 2014 will not count for reimbursement.
WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
Please be aware that we added a new feature called “ Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.
Wellesley Public Schools • Wellesley, Massachusetts
David Lussier, Superintendent
The Superintendent’s Bulletin is posted weekly on Fridays on our website. It provides timely, relevant information about meetings, professional development opportunities, curriculum and program development, grant awards, and School Committee news. The bulletin is also the official vehicle for job postings. Please read the bulletin regularly and use it to inform colleagues of meetings and other school news.
