Enjoy the Long Weekend!

10/14/16 – WEF Grant Applications Due
10/17/16 – Lane Change 101 – 2:45 pm – Supt. Conf Room – See details below
10/18/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall
10/26/16 – Lane Change 101 – 3:15 pm – Supt. Conf Room
11/01/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall

Are You Interested in AfterSchool Work for Additional Pay?

The Fitness and Health Department is seeking teachers, paraprofessionals and teaching assistants who are interested in working in the Intramural Program at Wellesley Middle School. Responsibilities would include running sessions and afterschool activities for stipended extra pay. Specific assignments and activities would vary, and would be organized by the WMS Intramural Coordinator. If you are interested, please email Joanne Grant, Director of Fitness and Health at: GrantJ.

Be a Volunteer for the WGBH High School Quiz Show!
WGBH is hosting its annual High School Quiz Show Super Sunday testing day on Sunday, November 13 from 9am-5pm. We’re looking for 80 volunteers to help moderate and score the quiz, and teachers of any grade or discipline are ideal candidates. This is the perfect opportunity for educators from around the Commonwealth to join together for the sake of learning and rewarding academic achievement, regardless of whether your district is competing.

Please contact Jaime Reese at jaime_reese@wgbh.org for additional information or to register as a volunteer.

Don’t Fall Behind! WEF Grant Applications are due Friday, October 14, 2016

Now accepting applications on-line at www.wellesleyeducationfoundation.org

Quick Tips

  • Go to WEF’s website to read about our grant process and see examples of past grant awards
  • To apply, go to the menu tab – Grants and Login to Grant Applications
  • Complete all required fields on the application
  • Upload any additional info relevant to your grant request
  • Provide the name and email of the administrator(s) required to sign off on your application
  • Remember to click Submit

For over 25 years, the Wellesley Education Foundation has provided grants for educational projects and equipment at all grade levels. WEF works closely with WPS administrators. Criteria for funding grants include innovativeness, potential to affect a large number of students, and potential for replication by other teachers or classrooms. A new idea to try? Supplies that would enrich student learning? Not in the budget? Consider a request for WEF funding.

Questions or for more info, email Yolanda Tong or Judy Zimmerman at grants@wellesleyeducationfoundation.org


Working Toward a Lane Change and Have Questions About the Process?

Join us for Lane Change 101:

  • Monday, October 17th at 2:45pm or Wednesday, October 26th at 3:15pm
  • Superintendent’s Conference Room, lower level of the Middle School
  • Co-Hosted by Chelsea Bailow and Addie Doherty

This 30-minute information session will provide an overview of the steps you need to take to change lanes, as well as provide an orientation to WellesleyPD, the District’s professional development website.

Please click here to RSVP.

Please note that lane changes are applicable only to those members of WTA Unit A.

More Lane Change News: Letters of Intent to Change Lanes Next School Year Are Due by November 1st

All professional staff who expect to receive a Master’s degree, M+30, or M+60/Doctorate at the beginning of the next school year 2017-18, must send formal notification of intent to change salary lanes to Addie Doherty dohertya@wellesleyps.org, no later than November 1, 2016. The notification should include: current lane, proposed lane, and the school year (2017-18) in which you hope to change lanes. This early notification deadline is required so that provisions for anticipated salary lane changes may be included within the new fiscal year budget. Please note: The list does not carry forward. You must provide written notice each year until you have achieved the desired lane change.

WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website

Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.

Superintendent’s Bulletin 10/7/16