
Among the many strategies we are employing to address issues of race and diversity in our district is to increase the diversity of our teaching staff. I remember being struck some years ago by the possibility that some of our nation’s students may go through much, if not all, of their PreK-12 education without ever seeing a teacher who shared their same race and/or ethnicity. That’s a problem. It’s equally problematic when majority students travel that same path without ever experiencing teaching or seeing leadership demonstrated by educators of color. In short, when our teaching staff is diverse, everyone benefits. With this in mind, for the past few years we have made a concerted effort to be more targeted in our recruitment with a desire to increase the diversity of our staff. On Tuesday night, we will be presenting a report to the School Committee focused on the results of our efforts. For example, during SY 2015-2016, 10 percent of the educators we hired in professional positions were teachers of color. This year, we doubled that hiring percentage to 20 percent. That’s the good news. The challenge still in front of us is that, currently, students of color represent approximately 27 percent of our PreK-12 student population, while teachers of color represent just under 6 percent of our teaching force. We clearly have more work to do, but I am pleased that we are on the right track.

On a final note, tomorrow would be a great day to come out and see our new high school track and field as our varsity Raiders take on Hingham in a playoff game that will also be the first game on the new field. Kickoff is at 1pm!

Have a great weekend and thank you for all that you do for our students each day.



10/25/16 – Exploring the Legacy and Promise of METCO’s 50 Years in Wellesley – 7 pm – WHS- See details below
10/26/16 – Lane Change 101 – 3:15 pm – Supt. Conf Room
10/26/16 – Flu Clinic – Health Dept. 2:30 – 4 pm – See details below
11/01/16 – Deadline to Submit Letter of Intent to Change Lanes
11/01/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall
11/03/16 – Flu Clinic – Health Dept. 2:30 – 4 pm – See details below
11/15/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall
11/29/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall

Faculty Art Show 2016

Flu Season is Here!!!


Thursday November 3, 2016: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Wellesley Health Department – 90 Washington Street
Bring your insurance card and a donation to the Healthy Wellesley Fund would be greatly appreciated.

You do not need to call ahead for an appointment for the above days. Questions? Call Linda Corridan 781-446-6210 x 5710

More Lane Change News: Letters of Intent to Change Lanes Next School Year Are Due by November 1st

All professional staff who expect to receive a Master’s degree, M+30, or M+60/Doctorate at the beginning of the next school year 2017-18, must send formal notification of intent to change salary lanes to Addie Doherty dohertya, no later than November 1, 2016. The notification should include: current lane, proposed lane, and the school year (2017-18) in which you hope to change lanes. This early notification deadline is required so that provisions for anticipated salary lane changes may be included within the new fiscal year budget. Please note: The list does not carry forward. You must provide written notice each year until you have achieved the desired lane change.


WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website

Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.

Superintendent’s Bulletin 10/28/16