
I hope everyone’s final weeks of the school year have been productive. We had a terrific high school graduation last Friday night and I want to give a special shout out to Dr. Chisum and especially Assistant Principal Lynn Novogroski, for their work to organize the event. I know our students and parents appreciate your attention to detail and your ability to dial in such beautiful weather!

I also want to thank all of our 5th Grade Teachers for their work supporting the World of Wellesley essay contest. Students produced remarkable writing on topics related to cultural and racial diversity, as well on what it means to be an ally or activist in this same area. Such a timely topic for our students and our community and I was proud to recognize our essay winners at this week’s school committee meeting.

Finally, I also want to acknowledge the effort by our elementary principals and K-12 Department Heads to produce a more effective elementary schedule for next year. With so many important subject areas and time restrictions, there is no way to afford as much time as we would like for everything. While there are some incremental minute changes—both additions and reductions—we think the resulting schedule will create longer, more meaningful learning blocks for students that will also allow more flexibility in scheduling in-class supports and reducing the number of transitions each day. As with anything else we do, I have no doubt that next year will be a year of learning as we monitor the implementation of this schedule and solicit feedback on any additional changes that can be made.

Enjoy the warm weather this weekend and thank you for the important work you have done all year with our students.

Best regards,


06/20/17 – Last Day of School for Students
06/20/17 – SC Meeting – 6:30 pm – Town Hall
06/21/17 – Last Day of School for Teachers​​​​​​​

WCCC After School Care Proposal – Feedback Requested
The WCCC After School Program is considering offering WPS Faculty and Staff only for the 2017/18 school year a one day/week childcare option to accommodate Wednesday early release days.

The proposal is for after school coverage on Wednesdays only, from 12:00-3:30 pm (typically families must pick up at 3:00 but this has been extended by 30 minutes to allow for travel time). The proposal would also include two extra “blocks” per month. A “block” of time is a 3-hour period that can be used on any day during that month as long as enrollment at the site allows for it. This could provide time for meetings or just simply to take advantage of having care to catch up on work. The cost would be $308.00 per month.

Please email WCCC Program Director Shawn Thompson at with feedback on whether you have an interest in such a program. Please reply by June 20, 2017.

​​​​​​​​​Affordable Housing Lottery
Please click here for information on seven rental units available on a lottery basis at 978 Worcester Street. There is a local preference component which increases the odds of receiving the unit if you work for the Town or the School Department. The application deadline is July 5, 2017.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Insurance Benefits Information
Health and Dental Insurance Benefits information is handled by the Town Hall Benefits Office. Inquiries should be directed to Joanne Liburd at JLiburd or by calling 781-431-1019 extension 2244. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.​​​​​​​

Superintendent’s Bulletin 06/09/2017