Dear Colleagues,

I began watching the new Ken Burns/Lynn Novick film about Vietnam this week. This powerful documentary provides fresh insight into a war and a time period that have never been fully reconciled in our country’s history.

I suspect many people who watch the film will, for the first time, gain an understanding of the independence movement in Vietnam against French colonial rule to which the U.S. was initially sympathetic. I’m guessing viewers will be also be frustrated when confronted with dialogue among policymakers in which they privately doubted the efficacy of their approach while publicly doubling down on it.

Of course, it’s hard not to view this film without the context of today’s world in mind, particularly as we consider ongoing U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq. Given the complexities of the tribalism present in this area, do we really know what victory and/or success look like?

Further, I was particularly struck by some of the parallels between time periods when considering the role of the press. For example, in the film, the sobering reporting of correspondent Morley Safer is highlighted as among the few media sources providing a real sense of what was happening on the ground in Vietnam. (So much so that President Johnson called out CBS for being unpatriotic!) It seems to me that this sounds eerily similar to the term “fake news” being used as a label for accurate reporting on topics that are less than flattering today.

Finally, “Vietnam” is a powerful reminder of the legacy of war and the deep scars it leaves on all sides. Consider the American soldier who still sleeps with a nightlight 50 years later or the Vietnamese soldier who posits that those who concern themselves with who won or who lost a war are those who have never fought in one.

“Vietnam” is an important documentary that I hope will challenge all of us to not only re-evaluate that time period, but to also consider how the lessons learned can inform our world today.

Thanks to each of you for the important work you do each day to support our students and have a great weekend.

Best regards,

09/26/17 – SC Meeting – 6:30 pm – Town Hall
10/09/17 – Columbus Day – No School
10/10/17 – SC Meeting – 6:30 pm – Town Hall
10/24/17 – SC Meeting – 6:30 pm – Town Hall

SAT Associate Supervisors and Proctors needed!
Associate Supervisors are needed to administer SATs for October 7, 2017. Proctors are needed to monitor the halls, direct students to their classrooms and assist the Main Office staff with running the test center, as needed. The following positions are open:

Proctor (Hall Monitor): $100, 7:00am – 1:00pm
Associate Supervisor (Test Proctor): $125, 6:45am – 1:00pm
Associate Supervisor Extended Time (Test Proctor): $185, 6:45am – 2:30pm

Please note the following:

According to College Board guidelines, Associate Supervisors and Proctors must be current or retired faculty or other professional staff of WPS or from a neighboring institution or a graduate student. Also, according to College Board guidelines, an Associate Supervisor or Proctor cannot administer any SAT Program test that will be taken by a member of their household or immediate family at any test center NATION WIDE.

If you are interested in any or all of the dates and are eligible according to the College Board guidelines, please email Kyle Getz at getzk by September 27, 2017. Please indicate which position you would be most interested in filling, as well as your current address and cell phone number.

IMPORTANT: Indicating interest doesn’t guarantee a position as the number of Associate Supervisors and Proctors required to run the test center is based on the number of students testing as well as their needs. Every effort will be made to make positions available to as many people as possible.

Are You Interested in After School Work?
The Fitness and Health Department is seeking teachers, paraprofessionals and teaching assistants who are interested in working in the Intramural Program at Wellesley Middle School. Responsibilities include running sessions and afterschool activities for stipended extra pay. Specific assignments and activities vary and is organized by the WMS Intramural Coordinator. If you are interested, please email Joanne Grant, Director of Fitness and Health at: GrantJ by
September 29, 2017
. Thank you – Joanne Grant, for the WPS Fitness and Health Department

Beyond the Bubble Text Flyer

The Education Department Presents
The Diane Silvers Ravitch Class of ’60 Lecture
Beyond the Bubble Test, Reforming How We Evaluate Learning and Teaching

Linda Darling-Hammond

Thursday, October 19 at 7:30 PM
Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall Auditorium

Generously supported by the Diane Silvers Ravitch ’60 Fund for Public Education and Wellesley College Education Department. Free and open to the public. For disability access


Friends of Wellesley METCO Presents a Day at Franklin Park Zoo

Come one! Come all!

All Wellesley Public School students, teachers, staff and family members are invited to visit the Franklin Park Zoo on Sunday, October 15 from 1-4pm. Come tour the zoo and enjoy refreshments & entertainment at our private hospitality tent. There will be activities, raffle prizes and fun for all ages. Sponsored by Friends of Wellesley METCO, this fall social event is a great chance to connect with Wellesley METCO students and their families while enjoying a Sunday afternoon at the zoo.

Admission is just $5.00/person when tickets are reserved by October 9. Tickets purchased day-of will be regular price. For details and to purchase these heavily discounted tickets, visit FriendsofWellesleyMETCO. ​​​​

Wellesley Spelling Bee Logo

28TH Annual Wellesley Spelling Bee
Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00 PM

The Wellesley Education Foundation is buzzing away preparing for the Spelling Bee — which is an old school community spelling bee which brings the whole town together for an evening of fun and fundraising. Over 50 teams participate in the Bee and represent local businesses, law firms, alumni groups, community organizations, and school PTOs, as well as student teams from Wellesley High School and Wellesley Middle School.

On Thursday, November 2nd, 7pm at the Sprague School Gym our community adult spelling contest and fundraising event is back for the 28th time! This high spirited community event is right around the corner! How to catch the buzz:

  • Support the Bee — CLICK HERE to make a donation or sponsor a high school, middle school or community team. Many levels are available for sponsorship from $125 to $2500. The Bee is our biggest fundraiser of the year!  Any amount is appreciated.
  • Bee a Team — CLICK HERE to register a team of three spellers for $500. Who knows whom you may be spelling against that night? Last year 55 teams participated in the Bee! Deadline for registering a team is October 19.

Message from the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF) – Grant Applications ​​​​​​​

Welcome Back WPS Educators!
WEF announces a change to the grant application process. We have moved to ONE GRANT CYCLE for the 2017-2018 academic school year.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 2018 – DEADLINE for WEF Grant Applications

EARLY APRIL – Notifications for Grant Decisions

We thank you for your inspiring and innovative applications and look forward to funding many grants this coming year. If you have any questions, please contact us at: grants

​​​​​​​Yolanda Tong and Judy Zimmerman
WEF Grants Co Chairs

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Insurance Benefits Information
Health and Dental Insurance Benefits information is handled by the Town Hall Benefits Office. Inquiries should be directed to Joanne Liburd at JLiburd or by calling 781-431-1019 extension 2244. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.​​​​​​​

Superintendent’s Bulletin 09/22/2017