(The following Superintendent’s Bulletin was prepared for release on Friday, 2/5/21, but was delayed due to technical difficulties.)


I hope everyone had a productive week and I appreciate your flexibility in adjusting to our early release on Monday and remote learning day on Tuesday.  As a reminder, we will continue using remote learning days in lieu of snow days for this year.  One of the key reasons we are doing this, which is unique to Wellesley, is that our Middle School Renovation project must begin the day that school ends in June in order to be completed in time to reopen schools in the fall.  Because the WMS cafeteria is used to prepare food for all elementary schools, any delay will create significant operational challenges for us in September. 

I have no new news to report on the vaccine front other than my continued advocacy for the state to move educators up on the vaccine timeline.  Along with our School Committee and the WEA, we are united in our belief that public education deserves to be a higher priority in this process. 

Finally, our team is beginning to work through the logistics of what a spring MCAS administration may look like.  The challenges of this are significant given our hybrid schedule, and I continue to believe that we should not be taking time out of our already shortened year to be offering this exam.  At the state level, I and many other colleagues are using our collective voices to lobby the state to waive MCAS this year to prevent even more disruption to our schedule and learning this spring.   

Please be stay safe throughout this Super Bowl weekend and thanks for all that you do for our students each day.



2/5/21 – Deadline for Sign Up to Present on Seminar Day
2/9/21 – School Committee Meeting – Remote Online – 6:30 pm
2/15-2/19 – February Break

2/23/21 – School Committee Meeting – Remote Online – 6:30 pm


Timeline for WPS Enrollment of Faculty Children 

Children of Units A and B members residing outside of Wellesley shall be entitled to attend Wellesley Public Schools without charge for tuition on a space available basis (Article 12, WTA, Unit A and B Contract).  Below is the timeline for submitting applications: 

  1. March 1st: interested applicants can submit a letter of intent with the one-page application to Asya Kibko, District Registrar, at registrar@wellesleyps.org.  The application will be available on our website on March 1st and circulated in the Superintendent’s Bulletin on Friday, February 26, 2021.
  2. April 30th: All applications are due to Asya Kibko, District Registrar, via email at  registrar@wellesleyps.org.  Late applications will not be accepted.
  3. Placement decisions will be made in mid-to-late May.  Once notified of a determination, applicants will be provided an enrollment packet to be completed and submitted to the District Registrar.   

If there are any questions, please reach out to Asya Kibko, District Registrar, at registrar@wellesleyps.org.  A survey will be sent out in March to confirm currently enrolled faculty children will be returning in school year 2020-2021.   

WANTED: Teachers, Bakers, Couponers, Max Security Prison Guards, etc…

We know for a fact there’s at least one of you out there who can answer “yes” to each of these questions:

  • Have you had to cut academic content that you LOVE to teach because of the pandemic? 
  • Have you mastered sourdough bread-making during quarantine and want to have students bake with you from home? 
  • Have you successfully discovered the most efficient way of shopping to maximize savings? 
  • Are you a former maximum-security prison guard with stories to share?

Normally at this time of year, the Seminar Day Committee asks you to reach out to those family members and friends who may have something highly engaging (like the above) to share with our students on Seminar Day. Unfortunately, we will not be doing that this year. However, we will be asking you to consider what highly engaging material you (yes YOU!) have to share with our students.

Brief Details

Seminar Day:  All digital, all student and staff presenters; Two seminar blocks, each for 1 hour and 15 minutes on Zoom
Date: Wednesday, March 3rd – This is the official date until who knows what changes it; There will be NO WHS academic classes held on this day
Sign-Up FormWHS Seminar Day Website (form is on the front page)
Deadline to Sign Up: February 5, 2021 
More Info Wanted: Email Carly Matarazzo and Zach Nicol


Salary Lane Change Process Reminder 
Effective November 1, 2020, a teacher must submit a Course Approval Form (CAF) if: 1) a course may lead to a lane change; or 2) a course is paid by District funds. Forms should be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the expected start date of the course. Course approvals are active from the date of approval through June 30th of the following school year (e.g., approved 1/20/2021 for a course starting 3/1/2021 would be active through 6/30/2022). Approvals are based on the course title and course description and cannot be exchanged for another course without prior written approval of the Superintendent or designee.  A teacher has until June 30th of the following school year from the course completion date to submit the transcripts (e.g., course ended 4/1/2021 transcript must be submitted by 6/30/2022).

Human Relations Services
The Human Relation Services (HRS) can help.  Wellesley Public Schools has contracted with HRS to provide up to ten free counseling visits for you and/or your family members.  This program is designed to help you deal with stresses of life and work –including personal and family issues, drug or alcohol problems, and job related tension.  It offers prevention and intervention to reduce these stresses and  improve coping skills.  

HRS is located at 11 Chapel Place in Wellesley and can be reached at 781-235-4950. This is a confidential service. Wellesley Public Schools is not aware of the names of employees or their family members who utilize this service. 

Do you have a question for the WPS Human Resources Department? Email AskHR@Wellesleyps.org.  The Human Resources Department is happy to assist you.  

 WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
For all Internal Job Postings, please go to “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website.   

Superintendent’s Bulletin

Superintendent’s Bulletin 02/05/21 (Delayed)