Dear Colleagues,

I hope everyone had a productive week.  As noted in our weekly COVID message, we will be shifting to a new viral testing program beginning next week with the distribution of at-home testing kits every other week.  Because each kit contains two tests, this will allow for weekly testing for students and staff.  In order to participate, it is critical that each member of our staff complete this consent form.  We expect to receive our test kits next week for staff and will provide further updates on our distribution plan. 

Prior to the winter break, I had a chance to meet with our Young Ethnic Scholars (YES) at Wellesley High School.  Among the topics we discussed was the need to provide further support for students on important religious/cultural dates on the calendar.  One such day, the Lunar New Year on February 1st, is very important in Chinese and East Asian cultures.  In addition to recognizing this day in your classrooms, I am also asking that no homework be assigned for the evening of February 1st as another way we can further support our students and families who will be observing this holiday. 

Finally, this week, Dr. Jorge Allen joined our staff as our new Director of ELL.  Dr. Allen comes to us from the Andover Public Schools, where he oversaw all aspects of EL and World Language educational programming.  Please join me in welcoming Dr. Allen to our WPS team!   

Thank you for all that you do to support our students each day and enjoy the weekend. 

Best regards,


1/25/22 – School Committee Meeting – 6:30 pm
2/1/22 – School Committee Meeting (FY23 Budget Public Hearing) – 6:30 pm
2/8/22 – School Committee Meeting – 6:30 pm
2/21-25 – February Break – no school


Welcome to Jorge Allen, WPS ELL Director 
We are delighted to share that Dr. Jorge Allen has been appointed as the Director of ELL for Wellesley Public Schools. Dr. Allen most recently served for nine years as the PK-12 Program Coordinator for EL and World Language Programs in Andover Public Schools.  In his role, he was responsible for all aspects of EL and World Language educational programming and departmental leadership. He also served as the District Global Pathways Senior Advisor, District Cultural Climate Committee Chair, Town Diversity Committee Member, and ELPAC liaison. Dr. Allen continues to serve as an Instructional Coach for the Democratic Knowledge Project at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University.

Pursue Initial Licensure for Principal/Assistant Principal or Supervisor/Director
A cohort-based program designed for working teachers and administrators, the Leadership Licensure Program provides rigorous academic and performance standards; extends continued support during the instructional program, the practicum, and the first year of employment as a school administrator; and offers additional weekend module focusing on the unique role of Guidance Director (optional).  Learn more hereApply now here.  $300 credit towards tuition if submitted on or before January 31, 2022.  This program is administered by the Massachusetts School Administrators’ Association with Teachers21 providing curriculum and instruction. 

Earn your CAGS or M.Ed. (optional)  

Human Relations Services
The Human Relation Services (HRS) can help.  Wellesley Public Schools has contracted with HRS to provide up to ten free counseling visits for you and/or your family members.  This program is designed to help you deal with stresses of life and work –including personal and family issues, drug or alcohol problems, and job related tension.  It offers prevention and intervention to reduce these stresses and  improve coping skills.  

HRS is located at 11 Chapel Place in Wellesley and can be reached at 781-235-4950. This is a confidential service. Wellesley Public Schools is not aware of the names of employees or their family members who utilize this service. 

Do you have a question for the WPS Human Resources Department?  
Email  The Human Resources Department is happy to assist you.  

 WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
For all Internal Job Postings, please go to “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website.   

Superintendent’s Bulletin

Superintendent’s Bulletin: 01/21/22