What is the Seal of Biliteracy?

The SEAL OF BILITERACY is a distinction that encourages students to pursue biliteracy, honors the language skills our students attain, and serves as evidence of skills that are attractive to future employers and college admissions offices. Students meeting the requirements for the Seal of Biliteracy will receive this designation in the form of an insignia affixed to their transcripts or diplomas.

The Seal of Biliteracy is a national movement.  To read more about which states have approved the Seal and what it’s all about, check out the national Seal of Biliteracy website.

How do I qualify?

You must currently be a senior planning to graduate this academic year. You do not need to be enrolled in a WHS language course to quality. See the main WHS Seal of Biliteracy page for details.

What is the application deadline?

See main page for deadline each year.

When will the test be administered and how long does it take?

Dates vary by year. Check your school email for information.

AAPPL testing takes a minimum of 2 hours. Some students finish in that amount of time;  others have needed as much as 4 hours to complete the tests (AAPPLs are untimed;  ALIRA for Latin is timed).

I did not take the ELA MCAS (normally in grade 10).

See Mr. Sorrell in the main office.

Can I use AP® scores ?

AP® Exams from May 2022 are eligible; Scores from senior year, May 2023 will not be eligible because they are not released until after graduation. The Seal of Biliteracy is a graduation distinction.

I took a proficiency assessment through another organization.  Can I submit that score?

  • In most cases, the answer is No.  DESE provides a list of officially approved assessments. However, contact Mr. Eagan, because DESE regularly updates the list of eligible assessments.

What languages are available on AAPPL®?

The AAPPL is available in:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • French
  • German
  • Hindi
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Thai.

What is the AAPPL assessment format like?

Read more and take a sample test here.

I take Latin. What assessment do I take?

Students wishing to receive the Seal in Latin take the ALIRA® (unless they took the AP® Latin exam last year and scored 4 or 5).

What if I want to apply for the Seal in a language not listed above?

Contact the department head for World Languages for alternative testing options or portfolio eligibility by the deadline. If you speak another language, you are eligible to apply for the Seal of Biliteracy, whether its is an AAPPL/ALIRA tested language or not, whether you studied the language at WHS or not.

Can I earn the Seal in more than one language?

Yes!  If you speak, read and write or sign another language, we encourage you to apply for the seal.

How do I apply?

Apply using the link on the main WHS Seal of Biliteracy page (Students must be logged in to their WHS account to access the application form.)  This link will change annually, and will be live only at specified times each year.  Ask your language teacher or the CML department head for details.

What is the Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction?

If your 10-grade Legacy ELA MCAS score is 260 or higher or 501 or higher on Next Gen ELA MCAS, and your AAPPL / ALIRA score is Advanced-Low (or AP® score is 5), you will be recognized with distinction.

When will I receive my AAPPL or ALIRA score and how are the results reported?

AAPPL® and ALIRA® scores will be available approximately 2 to 3 weeks after you sit for the assessment. You will receive your score directly from Language Testing International.  LTI will also report your score to us.

AAPPL breaks the proficiency scale down by range:

    • Novice Low (N1)
    • Novice Mid (N2, N3)
    • Novice High (N4)
    • Intermediate Low (I1)
    • Intermediate Mid (I2, I3, I4)
    • Intermediate High (I5, I6)
    • Advanced Low (A1)

What’s taking the AAPPL like?

See the AAPPL Measure FAQs page for details.