Wellesley Public Schools Learning • Caring • Innovating Superintendent’s Bulletin
June 5, 2015Colleagues,Later today, 339 seniors at Wellesley High School will receive their diplomas and become graduates, completing a 13-year journey through the Wellesley Public Schools. Perhaps no other event captures the totality of our work in public education than graduation. Your encouragement, support, and belief in our students’ potential has led them to this moment and they will continue to stand on your shoulders for the rest of their lives. Please know how appreciative our entire community is of your efforts that made this day possible.Best regards,David
Calendar 6/5/15 – WHS Graduation – 5 pm 6/8/15 (Monday) – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall 6/19/15 – Last Day of School for Students 6/23/15 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm – Town Hall
Congratulations to Brie Lemire (3rd Grade Teacher @ Hunnewell) on the birth of her son, Thomas Michael, on May 28, 2015. 2015 Wellesley Public Schools Summer Reading RecommendationsGrades K-5Compiled by elementary school library teachers Pamela Allen, Sara Jauniskis, Ellen Mandel, Liz Rey, Lisa Rogers, Roxanne Scott, Elisabeth Zimmer, and Fran Zilonis, Director of School LibrariesFor reading resources, summaries of each book, age guidelines and page length, visit these suggestions online at tinyurl.com/wps-15. Titles are linked directly to the Minuteman Library Network. Paper copies of the list are available at each elementary school. During the summer, we hope you and your family will be able to enjoy many hours of pleasure reading.
WellesleyPD Summer 2015 Course OfferingsInstructions for RegistrationAll WellesleyPD course offerings and information is available online:
Content-Based Courses
- Using Thinking Maps to Enhance Student Performance
Participants: PreK-12 Classroom Teachers & Special Educators
- Understanding and Applying Differentiated Instruction
Participants: PreK-12 Educators
- Discovering the Artist Within: Fostering Creativity in the Classroom
Participants: PreK-12 Educators, Non-Art Specialists
- Close Reading (1 seats remaining)
Participants: Grades 3-6 Classroom Teachers & Special Educators
- Writing Workshop K-5 (4 seats remaining)
Participants: K-5 Educators
- Being Scientists & Engineers: Integrating Science & Engineering Practices in the Elementary Classroom
Participants: PreK-5 Educators
- iPad Boot Camp
Participants: PreK-5 Educators
- Designing Blended Curriculum Units for the Classroom in Canvas
Participants: Grades 8-12 Educators
- Google Apps for Education (2 seats remaining)
Participants: PreK-12 Educators
Wellesley Supervision and Evaluation SystemBased on staff feedback, a list of Educator Evaluation FAQs has been compiled and is now available online:
For a direct link click FAQs.Open CircleWellesley expects (and pays for) all elementary teachers to take Open Circle during their second or third year in Wellesley.Open Circle course offerings and information is available online:
- Go to the WPS district homepage: http://www.wellesley.k12.ma.us/
- Select the “Faculty” tab
- Select “Professional Development”
- Select “Open Circle” from the right menu
Study Tour to Spain and Morocco – Summer 2016Primary Source is partnering with EF Educational Tours to offer Spain and Morocco: Coexistence, Competition and Culture (711-1614). The tour will take place July 6-14, 2016. For more information please go to www.eftours.com/1699512YX.See the full tour web site and enroll at www.eftours.com/1699512YX.
WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
Please be aware that we added a new feature called “ Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.
Wellesley Public Schools • Wellesley, Massachusetts www.wellesley.k12.ma.us/district/superintendent David Lussier, Superintendent
The Superintendent’s Bulletin is posted weekly on Fridays on our website. It provides timely, relevant information about meetings, professional development opportunities, curriculum and program development, grant awards, and School Committee news. The bulletin is also the official vehicle for job postings. Please read the bulletin regularly and use it to inform colleagues of meetings and other school news.
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