Wellesley Public Schools
Learning • Caring • Innovating
Superintendent’s Bulletin

November 20, 2015

Dear Colleagues,Given the frenetic pace of the fall semester, I know we are all looking forward to the Thanksgiving break next week.  Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday, as it lacks the pressure of shopping and presents and instead is a great time to gather with family and friends and to be reminded of the many gifts in our lives.  I know that I continue to be thankful to work in a community that places such a high value on education.  Perhaps most important, I am grateful to serve among such talented colleagues, whose innovative and compassionate work with our students inspires me every day.  To be sure, our work is not easy and the rewards are not always immediately apparent.  Never doubt, however, the importance of what you do for our students and know that you are shaping the future.  There really is no work that is more important than the work of educators.  On behalf of a grateful community, thank you for your efforts and I wish you each a restful and Happy Thanksgiving.       Best regards,DavidP.S.  I hope to see as many Raider fans as possible at the 128th Thanksgiving Football Game between Wellesley and Needham at Fenway Park next Thursday! Calendar
11/23/15 – Deadline for FSA Open Enrollment (see below)
11/25/15 – Early Dismissal – Thanksgiving Break
11/30/15 – Professional Development Day – No Classes​
12/1/15 – Deadline for All Staff Restraint and Conflict of Interest Training (see below)
12/15/15 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm Town HallCondolences to Rosanne Sannicandro (WHS Guidance Counselor) on the loss of her mother, Josephine Sannicandro, on November 15, 2015.  

OPEN ENROLLMENT for Flexible Spending Accounts
Enrollment Deadline:  November 23, 2015Open enrollment for the Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) for both Medical and Dependent Care related expenses runs from now until November 23, 2015.  More information on FSAs can be found in the attached flyer and in the summation below.  Also, employees who have the option to access health insurance elsewhere due to a spouse’s open enrollment or a qualifying event may be eligible for money back through the Opt-Out Program.  Forms and information on both the FSA and the Opt-Out program can be found here.Medical Flexible Spending Accounts are limited to a maximum of $2,550/year.  Dependent Care Accounts are limited to a maximum of $5,000/year.  If you are interested in having one or both of these accounts for 2016, November 23, 2015 is the deadline to enroll. New for 2016:

  • Rollovers of up to $500 will be permitted for 2016 with 2015 rollover funds available for use starting April 2, 2016. 
  • Debit cards will be offered for flexible spending in 2016.  Be advised that expenses reimbursable by the HRA will have to be submitted by using the paper forms OR by asking your provider to charge only the amount not covered by the HRA on your debit card for eligible expenses.

Enrollment forms can be found online at www.WellesleyMA.gov, click on the Human Resources page and go to the Employee Benefits link or enroll online through the Employee Online Access Link at www.cpa125.com.  Please see attached flier for more information.Mandatory Training
Deadline: December 1, 2015Please be aware that Massachusetts law requires all staff to complete mandatory restraint and conflict of interest training.  The mandatory training is now available online for all staff. To be in compliance, each employee must go through mandatory training this year.  Training must be completed by December 1st.

To do the mandatory training:1.    Go to www.wellesleyps.org2.    Click Faculty Menu -> Mandatory Training3.    Complete all 5 training modules:  Civil Rights/Teacher Responsibility, Medical Emergencies, Head Injury/Concussion, Restraint & Seclusion, and Conflict of Interest4.    Take the 2 associated assessments for Restraint & Seclusion and Conflict of Interest. a.    Your Restraint training assessment results will be emailed to you.b.    You will fill out and print the Conflict of Interest certification at the completion of the assessment.c.     Print each assessment/certification.5.    Fill in the Validation Form to record date of completion of each training module.6.    Send the printed assessments/certifications to your school/department office secretaryIf you have any questions, please contact Val Spruill at extension 5603 or spruillv@wellesleyps.org Friends of Wellesley METCO is Seeking Marathon RunnersFriends of Wellesley METCO (FWMI) is looking for people who might be interested in running the Boston Marathon in 2016 and raising funds for FWMI.  They would love to have runners from within the school system.  They don’t know exactly how many entries they will have this year, but if you have interest or know someone who does, feel free to contact FWMI board member Tim Raeke at 781-801-4345 or timraeke@gmail.com.  He can send you all the details of what it entails.  For more info on FWMI, here is a link: http://www.friendsofwellesleymetco.org/Friends_of_Wellesley_METCO/Welcome.htmlREADY FOR RETIREMENT SEMINARS
For members retiring in 2016The MTRS staff will be presenting their popular seminar, “Ready for Retirement,” across the Commonwealth in November and December. “Ready for Retirement” is a free, optional, two-hour program (4-6 p.m.) designed for members retiring in 2016. They’re reaching out to soon-to-be retirees before theretirement season starts so that when you begin the application process, you will know just what you need to do and when.Topics include:· the retirement application process and the benefit calculation formula,· timelines and service expectations,· first payment information,· health insurance, tax and working after retirement issues, and· cost-of-living adjustments after you retire.Please note: Personalized account information and pension estimates are not offered during these sessions.To attend, simply choose the date and location that is best for you, and then register online. We hope to see you soon!Program schedule:HANOVER, Monday, November 23; Hanover High School auditoriumCAMBRIDGE, Thursday, December 3; MTRS Cambridge Office, Presentation Room PROGRAM FULLBEVERLY, Monday, December 7; Beverly High School auditorium
Professional Development OpportunitiesWellesleyPDNew Course! – “Special Education for General Educators: A 5-Part Series”

  • Instructors:  Astrid Mazariegos and Kristen Stacy
  • Participants: K-5 Educators
  • Date/Times: 02/01/16, 02/22/16, 03/10/16, 03/24/16, 04/04/16, 3:15pm – 6:15pm
  • Course Description: This course will provide an overview of special education law and the eligibility process. Participants will take a close look at the components of an IEP and the roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders.
    This course fulfills the DESE requirement of at least 15 PDPs related to training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles (effective July 1, 2016 for professional licensure renewal).
  • To Register: Login to WellesleyPD and select “Offerings” from the menu on the left, then select “Special Education Courses” from the pull-down menu.

New Course! – “Teaching Second Languages to Students with Learning Disabilities”

  • Instructor:  Pedro Carrasquillo
  • Participants: K-12 Educators, Special Educators
  • Date/Times: 02/24/16, 03/02/16, 03/09/16, 03/16/16, 03/23/16, 03/30/16, 3:15pm – 5:45pm
  • Course Description: Today’s foreign language classrooms are inclusive and diverse. Participants in this course will explore ways to teach a second language to students with learning disabilities. Participants will discuss ways to design and modify lesson plans, as well as use specific strategies that will enhance the participation and success of special education students.
    This course fulfills the DESE requirement of at least 15 PDPs related to training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles (effective July 1, 2016 for professional licensure renewal).
  • To Register: Login to WellesleyPD and select “Offerings” from the menu on the left, then select “Special Education Courses” from the pull-down menu.

New Dates! – “Advanced iPad”

  • Instructors: Rosey McQuillan and Ranjani Sriram
  • Participants: PreK-12 Educators
  • Date/Times: March 7, 2016 – April 11, 2016, Online Only
  • To Register: Login to WellesleyPD and select “Offerings” from the menu on the left, then select “Technology Courses” from the pull-down menu.

Other OpportunitiesMassachusetts STEM Certificate ProgramJoin us for the Winter 2016 cohort of the STEM Certificate Program! Learn new practices and develop your understanding of STEM concepts in education and industry. Educators of all subject areas and disciplines are invited to participate. Our Product Development Education model focuses on integrated STEM teaching and learning that aligns with state and national education standards.

​​WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website

Please be aware that we added a new feature called “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website.  We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.
Wellesley Public Schools • Wellesley, Massachusetts www.wellesley.k12.ma.us/district/superintendent David Lussier, Superintendent

The Superintendent’s Bulletin is posted weekly on Fridays on our website. It provides timely, relevant information about meetings, professional development opportunities, curriculum and program development, grant awards, and School Committee news. The bulletin is also the official vehicle for job postings. Please read the bulletin regularly and use it to inform colleagues of meetings and other school news.

Wellesley Public Schools would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact Wellesley Public Schools directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm: Unsubscribe If you need to update your email address or phone number, please contact the secretary at your child’s school. SchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation’s leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media.

Superintendent’s Bulletin 11/20/15