09/30/19 – Rosh Hashanah – No School
10/1/19 – School Committee Meeting – Town Hall –  6:30 pm
10/9/19 – Yom Kippur – No School
10/14/19 – Columbus Day – No School
10/15/19 – School Committee Meeting – Town Hall – 5:00 pm

Congratulations to: 
Altoria Magarie (WMS English teacher) on the birth of her daughter, Naleia Simone, on August 30, 2019.

Condolences to: 
Julie Kenerson (WMS Social Studies Teacher) on the loss of her mother-in-law, Grace Jerman; and to Julie Verret (Fiske Music Teacher) on the loss of her father, Alexander, on September 8, 2019.

Are You Interested in After School Work?

The Fitness & Health Department is seeking teachers, paraprofessionals and teaching assistants who are interested in working in the Intramural Program at Wellesley Middle School.  Responsibilities include running sessions and after school activities for a stipend.  We are specifically interested in securing a Yoga Instructor to start immediately.  Specific assignments and activities vary and are organized by the WMS Intramural Coordinator.   We are also seeking qualified faculty and staff members to monitor the High School Fitness Center, before and after school.  A background in Exercise Science, Human Physiology or Personal Training is preferred. 

If you are interested in either of these positions, please email Joanne Grant, Director of Fitness and Health, at: GrantJ@wellesleyps.org.  Immediate openings are available.

2020 WEF Grant Applications 
Deadline:  Monday, January 6th    Decision Notifications:  Early April 

Did you know??
●      WEF funded over $224,000 through 29 grants last year!
●      Grants funded at all WPS levels – elementary, middle and high school.
●      WEF has a grant history 2010-2019 for review.

We welcome your inspiring and innovative applications.  Please start the process at https://www.wellesleyeducationfoundation.org/  > the menu bar > Educators Tab > Apply for a Grant tab

Jessamy Harrington, Lisa Hicks, and Carrie Reepmeyer
WEF Grants Co-Chairs, 2019-2020

​​​​​Insurance Benefits Information
Health and Dental Insurance Benefits information is handled by the Town Hall Benefits Office.  Inquiries should be directed to Joanne Liburd at JLiburd@wellesleyma.gov or by calling 781-431-1019 extension 2244.  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Renewing Your Educator’s License?
Information about requirements to renew your educator license is available on the WPS website.  Click here to go to the HR Licensure tab.  When you apply for your license on the DESE website under ELAR, the DESE will send you an electronic communication about what is missing from your licensure file in order to renew.   The HR licensure tab and your ELAR account are two tools to assist you with information about licensure renewal.  

WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
​​​​​​​For all Internal Job Postings, please go to “Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website.   ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Superintendent’s Bulletin

Superintendent’s Bulletin: 9/20/19