All of the following conditions are applicable to student access, as well as parent/guardian access.

  1. The purpose for PowerSchool access is to allow parents/guardians to provide demographic and emergency information to the school. Additionally, parents/guardians/students can access academic and attendance data for some grade levels.
  2. Parents/guardians are given access information specific to their children via US mail, email, or over the phone. This access information is used by the parents/guardians to create a portal account and link their students to it. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to protect the security of this information.
  3. Students are also issued a username and password and are expected to secure their access.
  4. Users shall not attempt to use the access information or username/password that has been assigned for the use of another individual.
  5. Access to student information and student dismissal is guided by the School Committee Student Records Policy JRA and in compliance with legal custody orders.
    1. JRA – Student Records
    2. JRA-R – Student Records Administrative Procedures
  6. Parents with joint custody will have separate portal accounts and have equal access to their student’s demographic and emergency data. Parents should not willfully change the student demographic and emergency data without joint consent.
  7. If the above “Guidelines for Acceptable Use of the Parent Portal” are not followed, the parent/guardian or student portal account will be revoked.