Happy summer! As we continue to prepare for the start of the new school year, it is essential for the Wellesley Public Schools to confirm the emergency contact information, directory information, and other important permissions for each of our students. The Wellesley Public Schools uses PowerSchool, an online platform, to maintain these data. The PowerSchool Parent Portal will be open from August 14 at 12:00 noon through September 4, 2024. All parents/caregivers must log in during this time to confirm this important information for each of their children. Home Room information for Grades K-8 will be available. Grade 9-12 schedules will be available on August 21, 2024. As in prior years, you will not be receiving a class list due to security and privacy laws (see MGL 603 CMR 23.00 for more information). Please note that you may see TBD for teacher’s name as we may be finalizing some teacher placements.
District-approved parent and community partners such as our PTOs, Wellesley Education Foundation, etc., request contact information for our families to produce school directories, which we recognize is a valued resource for our families. In accordance with our Student Records Policy (JRA, JRA-R) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents may opt out/customize the information released through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please note that directory information shared with parent organizations is done so with the understanding that this information will not be used for commercial, political, or other third party uses.
PowerSchool Parent Portal Instructions: August 14, 2024 at 12:00 noon – September 4, 2024 at midnight
Make sure you know your Username and Password: (Anytime over the summer)
All families receive a username and set a password when they enroll their students, a username reminder email will be sent on 8/7/24. If you do not know your password, please go to the parent portal log in screen https://wellesley.powerschool.com:
- Click on Forgot Username or Password?
- Fill in your Parent Username and Parent Email Address and click Enter
- Check email for password reset instructions and set your new password.
- If you need assistance, email portal@wellesleyps.org.
Returning Users: (This can be completed after portal opens on August 14, 2024 at 12:00 noon)
Log into the Portal at https://wellesley.powerschool.com or by using the PowerSchool App.
- Click the “Forms” menu item
- Complete all four “WPS – Annual Update” forms and click “Submit” at the bottom of each form. (Even if changes are not necessary, please login and ‘Submit’ each form in order to update your account for the upcoming school year.)
- The nursing department’s SNAP Health Portal can be accessed from the PowerSchool portal
- The Confirmation page will include the homeroom information for your child (Grades K-8 only)
- Follow this procedure for each child, with the exception of the optional “Contact Information Change” form which should only be completed once per family.
Parent Portal Training for Parents (if needed):
- Pre-Recorded Tutorials: WPS Parent Portal Training Videos – watch on your own at a convenient time
- Contact portal@wellesleyps.org and a WPS portal team member will be happy to assist you by phone or email during work hours.
Back to School Packets and Handbooks with Annual Notices are available in the Quick Links section of the school’s website. Thank you for your support and we are looking forward to a great school year!
Updated Translations for 2024

PowerSchool家长门户 (Chinese – Mandarin)
PowerSchool 家長門戶網站 (Chinese – Cantonese)
Platfòm PowerSchool pou paran (Haitian Creole)
Portal dos Pais do PowerSchool (Portuguese Brazilian)
Portal dos Pais do PowerSchool (Portuguese European)
Портал для родителей PowerSchool (Russian)
El Portal de padres PowerSchool (Spanish)
Medical Information Changes

- If your student’s medical information has changed since last year, it is your responsibility to contact the school nurse with any new diagnoses or allergies.
- The nursing department’s SNAP Health Portal will be integrated into the PowerSchool portal. You may use the Health Portal to upload immunization and physical exam records, and to communicate with your school nurse about your student.
Please contact nursingportal@wellesleyps.org for help with logging into or using the SNAP Health Portal.
Documents & Links for your Reference
- Educational Software: Click here to read more about how WPS students use educational software and to view Student Data Privacy Agreement.
- 1:1 Learning Initiative Parent & Student Handbook: Click here to view the 1:1 Handbook
- Student Handbooks: Click here to view the Student Handbooks
Related Policies & Regulations
- School Committee Policies
- Student Records MGL 603 CMR 23.00
- WPS Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools
For more information on the PowerSchool Parent Portal see the following web pages: