Wellesley Public Schools
Learning • Caring • Innovating
Superintendent’s Bulletin
Dear Colleagues,
This week we learned the sad news that we lost a member of our family. Jack Glorioso was a school custodian who worked at multiple schools and most recently at Sprague. Not only do our school custodians help maintain clean and healthy learning environments for our students and staff, they often engage with our students and their families in multiple ways that help reinforce the bonds within our community. I ask that you keep Jack and his family in your thoughts and prayers and perhaps thank each of our custodians for the important role they play in our schools.
As we move into the long weekend, it’s also important to reflect on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who we honor on Monday. Dr. King’s vision of human rights was a cornerstone of the civil rights movement, and education is the area in which it is most clearly manifest. At a time when hatred, bigotry, fear, and ignorance are ever-present in the national discourse, the work you do each day to develop students who are open-minded, analytical, inclusive and engaged has never been more important. Thank you for answering Dr. King’s call and for being part of the modern civil rights movement.
Best regards,
Calendar 01/26/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm Town Hall – FY17 Budget Public Hearing 01/28/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm Town Hall – HHU Recommendation Public Hearing 02/04/16 – School Committee Meeting – 7 pm Town Hall
CONGRATULATIONS TO Shawn Bruhl (Sprague Teaching Assistant) on the birth of his daughter, Charlotte Noelle, on December 26, 2015; AND TO Sharon Kahn (Sprague School Nurse) on the birth of grandaughter, Emma Nicole Goggin, on January 9, 2016.
CONDOLENCES TO the Family of John Glorioso, Custodian at Sprague School, who died on January 10, 2016.
Dear Wellesley Public School Educators,
We are contacting you to request your participation in a brief survey that will inform the future direction of the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF).
As many of you know, WEF is a non-profit, volunteer-run community organization that works to enrich and support the Wellesley Public School system. This year, WEF has undertaken a strategic planning process through which we will identify our goals and priorities for the next five years. We are soliciting input from a variety of key stakeholders to ensure that our assessment incorporates the diverse perspectives of the community we serve.
The survey should take you no more than 5–15 minutes. Please complete the survey by Tue., Jan. 19th at 6 PM. If you have any questions about this survey or the strategic planning process, please contact Lisa Hicks (lhicksconsulting@gmail.com), chair of the WEF Strategic Planning Committee.
Please click here to take the survey: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07ec3246gaij4gmnw4/start
Your input, as an educator, is of great value to us. We appreciate your participation. Thanks in advance! WEF Co-Presidents Linda Chow and Carol Morrow
Gay, Lesbian or Whatever Club’s free annual coffeehouse. January 29th, 2016 from 630-830 pm WHS Cafeteria Refreshments provided Performances by: WHS Step Squad, WHS A Capella Groups, WHS Improv Troupe and more……
*Suggested donation of $5.00 at the door*
The Educator Eval Working Group Wants Your Questions!
Dear Educators:
The next Educator Evaluation Working Group is scheduled for February 11, 2016. The Working Group is in the process of putting together a list of frequently asked questions that will be published under the Faculty Tab of the WPS website.
Please forward your educator evaluation questions to one of the Working Group members prior to February 11th. The Working Group will publish the answer to your question after the February 11th meeting.
Working Group members are:
Karen Archambault, Chelsea Bailow, Sandy Bogage, Thom Carter, Linda Corridan, Kathleen Dooley, Tim Eagan, Jany Finkielsztein, John Finneron, Heather Haskell, Judith Malone-Neville, Gayle McCracken, Kate Morton, Joanne Naso, Jonathan Simon, and Julie Verret.
Thank you.
Thinking About Retirement?
For WTA members interested in retiring in 2016: Contact a representative from MTRS at 617-679-6877.
If you plan to retire this year, please send a signed letter (four months prior to retirement) indicating your intention to Director of Human Resources Gayle McCracken, Wellesley Public Schools, 40 Kingsbury Street, Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481.
Professional Development Opportunities
Registration is open for the following winter courses through WellesleyPD:
Discovering the Artist Within: Fostering Creativity in the Classroom – 2 spots left!
- Instructors: Lynne Johnson & Diane Redfield
- Participants: PreK-12 Educators, Non-Art Specialists
- Date/Times: 01/30/16 (snow date 02/06), 02/27/16 (snow date 03/05), 03/12/16, 04/09/16, 9:00am – 3:45pm
Special Education for General Educators: A 5-Part Series – 1 spot left!
- Instructors: Astrid Mazariegos & Kristen Stacy
- Participants: K-5 Educators
- Date/Times: 02/01/16, 02/22/16, 03/10/16, 03/24/16, 04/04/16, 3:15pm – 6:15pm
NEW DATES! Online Tools for Formative Assessment and Collaboration
- Instructors: Ranjani Sriram & Amy Jankins
- Participants: PreK-12 Educators
- Date/Times: Online Only, Weeks of 02/22/16 – 03/21/16
Reasoning Algebraically About Operations – 1 spot left!
- Instructors: Jany Finkielsztein & Heather Heon
- Participants: K-5 Teachers, Special Educators, ELL Educators
- Date/Times: 02/24/16, 03/02/16, 03/09/16, 04/06/16, 04/13/16, 3:30pm – 6:30pm; 03/19/16, 8:00am – 3:30pm
Teaching Second Languages to Students with Learning Disabilities
- Instructor: Pedro Carrasquillo
- Participants: K-12 Educators, Special Educators
- Date/Times: 02/24/16, 03/02/16, 03/09/16, 03/16/16, 03/23/16, 03/30/16, 3:15pm – 5:45pm
Advanced iPad
- Instructors: Rosey McQuillan & Ranjani Sriram
- Participants: PreK-12 Educators
- Date/Times: Online Only, 03/07/16 – 04/11/16
Introduction to the WIDA Standards and Differentiated Instruction for ELLs
- Instructors: Jenn Hannon & Jenn Eramo
- Participants: K-12 Educators, Specialists, Special Educators
- Date/Times: 03/12/16, 8:30am – 3:30pm; 03/22/16 & 04/05/16, 3:30pm – 6:30pm
NEW DATES! Google Apps for Education
- Instructor: Pete Ritter
- Participants: PreK-12 Educators
- Date/Times: Online Only, Weeks of 03/21/16 – 04/11/16
WellesleyPD Instructor Information Session
Are you interested in offering a course to colleagues this summer or next school year? Come to one of three 30-minute information sessions. We’ll discuss the process for becoming an approved graduate level instructor for Framingham State University, the course proposal and approval processes, and the requirements for submitting a course for approval.
- Tuesday, January 26th, 2:45pm – 3:15pm, Wellesley Middle School
- Tuesday, February 2nd, 3:30pm – 4:00pm, Bates Elementary School
- Tuesday, February 9th, 2:45pm – 3:15pm, Wellesley High School
Please RSVP using the following link.
If you have any questions, please contact Chelsea Bailow, Professional Development Coordinator.
Other Opportunities
TEC Online, Self-Paced Courses Free to WPS Educators
WPS has partnered with The Education Cooperative (TEC) to offer two online, self-paced courses free of charge to Wellesley educators. Please note that the ELL course is NOT an endorsement course.
- Engaging All Students with Differentiated Instruction (Click here for more details.)
PDPs: Upon completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion. Submit the certificate to Chelsea Bailow, Professional Development Coordinator, in order for the course to appear in your WellesleyPD records.
WPS Internal Job Postings on District Website
Please be aware that we added a new feature called “ Internal Job Postings” under the Faculty tab of the District’s website. We will post all of our internal jobs under this website tab. Therefore, you will no longer see internal job postings in the bulletin. This new way of posting will allow us to post internal positions any day of the week.
Wellesley Public Schools • Wellesley, Massachusetts
David Lussier, Superintendent
The Superintendent’s Bulletin is posted weekly on Fridays on our website. It provides timely, relevant information about meetings, professional development opportunities, curriculum and program development, grant awards, and School Committee news. The bulletin is also the official vehicle for job postings. Please read the bulletin regularly and use it to inform colleagues of meetings and other school news.
