What do I need for the registration process?

Before you begin the online registration process, it is recommended that you gather the following documents. To access a printable PDF version of the Required Document Checklists please click below:

Required Documents

  • Student’s Birth Certificate or Passport
  • Immunization Record 
  • Parent/Guardian identification (i.e. MA Driver’s license or passport) 
  • Proof of Residency (1 of 4 options)
    1. Current Property Tax Bill
    2. Fully Signed and Executed Purchase and Sale (P&S) Agreement (Occupancy date must be within 45 days of enrollment)
    3. Lease Agreement with children’s names listed in the lease
    4. Residency Affidavit – Please use this Residency Affidavit PDF Template for Proof of Residency in the Town of Wellesley. This document must be notarized. 
  • Proof of Occupancy (1 of 2 options)
    1. Current Utility Bill
    2. Notarized Occupancy Statement in lieu of a Utility Bill – Please use one of these Occupancy Statement templates for Proof of Occupancy. The document must be notarized.

*** ALL DOCUMENTS must be submitted to complete registration. Your child will not be enrolled in the Wellesley Public Schools until all required documentation is received, reviewed, and processed. Documents may be uploaded during the online registration process, or emailed to registrar@wellesleyps.org or mailed to WPS Registrar, 40 Kingsbury St, Wellesley MA 02481.